5 Tips for a Covid-safe lockdown shoot

Low down from the experts at Covideo, plus a very special offer…

Here are some top tips from our old friends Liz and Dylan, the people behind ACrew4U’s Covid safety partner, Covideo, ready to advise on shoots big and small. More about them below.

The new restrictions in the UK DO NOT affect shoots, they can continue as before. During the upcoming period until 2 December:

Production can continue — like manufacturing it can not be done at home.

You can also continue to shoot in people’s homes, if they are locations for the purpose of filming only.

Just remember these FIVE STEPS to a safe work environment:

  1. Distancing is important (2 meters whenever and as often you can)
  2. Health monitoring is essential (health declarations for all crew & cast)
  3. Hygiene is not optional (hand washing facilities & anti virus hand gel)
  4. Enhanced cleaning of everything(building, equipment and props)
  5. Get our £99 Covid safe special offer from Covideo!

As producer you’re on the hook for the Health & Safety of your crew/ contributors and the public. (even if there are just 3 of you) So, shoot Covid — wise for £99! and we’ll:
*Advise you on what the latest government guidelines are so you are as an employer protected (distancing, health monitoring, hygiene, cleaning)
*Supply you with templates for temperature checking and health declarations
*Advise on what PPE you should be supplying (we can also quote for this)
*Supply you with a bespoke Risk Assessment for your shoot (includes consultation)

How ACrew4U and Covideo can help you shoot Covid-safe
We’ll help you get back into production with experts here to save you time, money and worry when organising compliant film and video shoots. Here are some more details…
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COVID-19 Protection services for Film and TV production

Covid safe Paperwork drafted for your project
-COVID-19 Risk Assessments
-COVID-19 Guidelines / Health & Safety Policy & Protocols
-Health Appendixes
-Wording for call sheets

Covid-19 officers on-set
Pre shoot covid-safe recce / scouting
On set Covid19 Officers

We can prepare Pre-Production checklists, make sure Food and Drink catered safely, advise on Sanitising Stations and advise on best hygiene practices for Wardrobe and Make Up as well as Equipment.

PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
We can supply Temperature guns, Masks, Gloves, Shields, Anti-bac wipes, spray and roll. Alcohol gel. Signage and Waste disposal

We can assist on everything from simple corporate talking heads, to larger scale factual, reality, drama and feature shoots. Let me know if you’d like to have a chat with a member of the team about making your project less worrisome to organise.



The Content Creator — by ACrew4U
The Film, Video, Photo & Podcast Reporter

Some insights, ideas & inspiration from the worlds of Video, Photo and Audio Production for business