EnableVirtual Events with Video

Whilst we wait for a return to live events there are many options

At long last, our leaden footed government seems to be waking up to the need for live events from December 2020 in the UK at least.

In the meantime ACrew4U have been very busy helping clients pull together material to bring people together through virtual events and I wanted to share some methods.

1- Live speaker capture for Virtual events

Be it via a professional camera plugged into Zoom to a heavyweight setup feeding into a higher end platform, it’s very easy to plug individuals or teams into events from wherever in the world they may be. You can have a central gallery, telecoms, interactivity and even local green rooms. We recently helped a major events firm do this very thing with a firm’s senior management team presenting awards from the USA, with recipients worldwide and a presenter and gallery in the UK.

2- Use green-screen so you can have a virtual stage

It’s dead simple to film people all over the world against a green screen in a consistent manner and then key them in onto a virtual stage. Consistency is key here and you need to brief people very well but it’s not much more tricky to do than the next option. Only a couple of weeks ago we helped a finance firm with this very type of project in ten cities.

3- Pre record Key note speakers

Even if you want to do the presentation live having pre recorded key notes means you can add a lot more production value than a horrible grainy zoom image. We are currently filming a number of projects for clients. The key with this again is briefing.

4- Have a central mission control room

For a number of clients we employ our control room in the Netherlands to bring together participants via Zoom, SkypeTX, LiveU and play in video, rolls graphics and lay on lower thirds. We can also have cloud based telecoms systems that will port into local telecoms systems so you can have a remote show caller calling the shots too.

So, there is a world of options open to you in a world where virtual events provide a vital means of meeting and it surely will do in the future even as the live event makes a welcome comeback.

ACrew4U has video teams worldwide and central coordination for your virtual event, be it a single or many cities.



The Content Creator — by ACrew4U
The Film, Video, Photo & Podcast Reporter

Some insights, ideas & inspiration from the worlds of Video, Photo and Audio Production for business