22 Insights This Dad Learned About Scorpios by Raising One

Shaun Adams
The Cosmic Closet
Published in
11 min readSep 19, 2023


Do you know a Scorpio and find yourself wanting to understand them better? Or perhaps you’re a Scorpio seeking deeper insights into your own nature? Join me on a captivating journey into the Scorpio psyche as I unravel 22 lessons I’ve learned by being a dad of a baby Scorpio.

My adventure in understanding Scorpios began the day my daughter, Jia, was born on 11/11/2020.

Jia at 3 months old

Right from the start, Jia brought a whirlwind of emotions that I hadn’t quite experienced with my other children. It became clear to my wife and me that this parenting journey would be unlike any other.

As the months went by, my wife and I noticed something special about raising Jia. She brought an intense emotional energy that permeated our home, unlike anything we’d felt before. We had to adjust not just to the external changes that come with welcoming a new member into the family but also to a profound transformation within ourselves. It was like a journey of discovering more about ourselves and how we could understand and support Jia, who had this amazing power to see things others might miss. This ongoing involution within our family became the starting point for me to learn more about what makes Scorpios unique, using Jia as my guide.

One day, while In our living room, me and my wife created a makeshift fort to keep Jia safely within boundaries. Little did we know that she possessed an innate ability for discovering vulnerabilities and exploiting them! With no training or previous exposure to such situations, Jia effortlessly pierced through our fort’s defenses. Witness this extraordinary moment, captured by my wife on her iPhone.

Observing Jia’s remarkable discovery left me awestruck. In response, I turned to my Angelic Guides and asked Them to show me all the unique gifts that Jia, and all Scorpios, inherently possess. From that moment on, I began observing the small, everyday details of Jia’s life, noting each revelation along the way.

In this article, I will share the profound insights I’ve gained about Scorpios through my experiences with Jia. Whether you’re a Scorpio yourself or simply have one in your life, I invite you to read on.

Without further ado, I now present you with my ever-growing list of 22 insights this dad has learned about Scorpios by raising one.

Jia’s 1st Birthday (November, 2021)

1. “No” is not in a Scorpio’s vocabulary.Impossible” and “no” might as well be words from another universe. If you tell a Scorpio that something can’t be done, they might nod and say, “okay,” but behind that seemingly agreeable facade, they’re already plotting how to prove you wrong — which, as sure as the Sun shines, they will certainly do.

Phrases like “It can’t work” or “that can’t happen” hold no power over a Scorpio; they’re null and void. All a Scorpio needs to hear is, “let’s make it happen” or “I’ll figure it out.” But be prepared because they will scrutinize your work for pressure points and vulnerabilities. It’s as if they have Divine knowledge straight from the Heavens. So, it’s wise to get things right on the first try, but don’t fret if you don’t. Scorpios are here to reveal the weaknesses that often escape our notice. Your role is to recognize and fix them.

2. Scorpios will push boundaries relentlessly. The previous point is so vital that I’m emphasizing it once more, but from a slightly different angle. Scorpios will not entertain your excuses or limitations, yet here’s the paradox: they’ll push the boundaries of both.

To coexist harmoniously, you must excel at what you do and constantly push your own limits. If you make a habit of testing your own boundaries daily, you’ll find it much easier to stand your ground when answering a Scorpio’s questions, causing you to grow and expand in every area of your life.

3. Scorpios can see everything you hide. They possess an uncanny superpower to detect and reflect hidden vulnerabilities. This includes objects, systems, as well as the aspects of yourself that you’d rather keep concealed. They’ll mirror these vulnerabilities back to you, catching you off guard at times. They do this so that you are aware they can perceive, sense, and understand your hidden aspects. It’s important to remember that it’s not a personal attack; it’s just a fundamental part of who they are.

From what I’ve observed, they apply this skill in interactions with both humans and animals, but I have yet to witness how it extends to the mineral and plant kingdoms.

4. Scorpios love to hide sh*t. To us, it might seem like they’re hiding stuff for no apparent reason. However, trust that everything they do is methodical and well-planned. They are masters at the art of hiding sh*t, and if we can’t discern the reason behind it, it’s likely because they don’t want us to know. I have yet to understand why they do this. But hey, perhaps they reserve some secrets exclusively for themselves.

5. When a Scorpio likes something, they’re all in. You might discover yourself listening to one of their favorite songs on an endless loop until they decide they’ve had enough. Their loyalty is unwavering once you’ve earned their trust. However, it’s crucial not to jeopardize that trust, as losing it can lead to them cutting ties with you.

Jia admiring a double rainbow after a summer storm (circa 2022).

6. Make no mistake; Scorpios are the boss, and you are not. When a Scorpio is ready for your opinion, they will give it to you. Scorpios possess a clear vision of what they want to achieve and who they’ve chosen to accomplish each task. And when the final symphony comes together, keep in mind that it’s the conductor who receives the credit. To collaborate successfully with them, you must set aside your ego.

7. Scorpios are also known for their unwavering determination and commitment to their goals. They have high standards for the people they associate with, and expect excellence from those around them, whether it’s in personal relationships, work, or any other aspect of life. They appreciate competence, reliability, and excellence in others because surrounding themselves with capable individuals helps them achieve their own objectives more effectively.

8. Scorpios place a high value on routine and organization. Scorpios thrive when they have a structured daily schedule and a sense of order in their lives. Though their lives may resemble chaos to you, know it is excessively organized to them, which is all that matters.

9. Scorpios have a unique ability to find joy and appreciation in life’s simplest pleasures. While they may be known for their intense and passionate nature, Scorpios also have a deep appreciation for the little things that often go unnoticed by others such as: attention to detail, living in the present moment, and connection to nature.

10. Occasionally, Scorpios may feel the need to retreat to a private space and have a good cry. This might seem sudden or random to others, but it’s an important part of their emotional processing. During these moments, they are not necessarily sad or upset; instead, it’s a way for them to release pent-up emotions, gain mental clarity, and reset their emotional state.

Jia enjoying some time with her big brother (Jeremiah) and sister (Jada).

11. Scorpios are here to experience the extreme ends of 2 polarities. Scorpios are ruled by Mars and Pluto, two powerful planets symbolizing both life and death (transformation). These celestial influences drive Scorpios to explore the extreme ends of whatever captures their attention. Sometimes, they may deliberately break or destroy things they care about, not out of malice but to understand and explore the consequences fully. Finding a harmonious balance between creation and transformation remains a continuous journey for them.

It is important that you do not attempt to interfere with this process. They are safe to experiment in this way, as their observations will lead them on a journey of involution.

12. Under no circumstances shall you cross a Scorpio. They will go from zero to fifty-thousand in 3 seconds. You do not want to experience their “sting.” You’ve been warned.

13. Scorpios, being influenced by two ruling planets, thrive on having choices. They must always have options available. Even if one choice is obviously better or the second option seems like nonsense, it’s crucial to present them with multiple choices — one of which better be your best.

14. You cannot imprison a Scorpio. Their confinement is always of their own choosing, driven by a desire to experience something unique. But rest assured, when they decide it’s time to break free, Cosmic Law dictates that a clear and easily accessible exit appears before them. Even if you lock a Scorpio in the deepest, darkest pit in the center of the earth and seal it with concrete, when they decide they’ve had enough, the Universe will conjure a doorway from the very heart of existence, offering a safe passage to their chosen destination. See the video at the beginning of this article for an example.

15. When Scorpios feel it’s time to move on, let them go. Scorpios naturally seek shifts in polarity, a change in the energy around them. If they haven’t mastered articulating or communicating this desire for change, it might show up as you feeling frustrated around them. This is a sign that it’s time for a change of environment or for you to leave. It’s not a personal judgment on you, it’s part of their cosmic rhythm. You may re-enter their presence when they are ready for you.

Jia’s Halloween Costume (October, 2022)

16. Scorpios have no boundaries when it comes to spaces. Your personal area, your workspace, even your most private spaces like the bathroom or your moments of deep thought and meditation — nothing is off-limits to them once they decide to explore it. You’ll have to accept this, as it’s an inherent part of their nature, and there’s no changing it.

17. Scorpios need to wake up on their own terms, exactly when they’re ready, and not a moment sooner. Their schedule for waking up is entirely their own, and it can change at their whim. If you attempt to rouse a Scorpio before they’re prepared, be prepared for the consequences, as it may take hours (or an entire day) for them to rebalance. Consider yourself warned!

18. Scorpios have the power to do absolutely anything they desire as long as they can come up with or create a reason for it. This reason can be the most insignificant thing imaginable; it doesn’t matter — and frankly, their reasoning is irrelevant. They just need a reason, then the Universe will support their actions because they are destined to explore any direction they set their focus or attention towards.

19. Learn to embrace your own sh*t because Scorpios see sh*t. They’ll notice your sh*t, and as long as you’re comfortable with them seeing your sh*t, it will be overlooked. However, if you show discomfort or resistance to your sh*t being seen, they won’t hesitate to point it out, often quite boldly, which might trigger you. Instead of getting upset, use that moment to learn how not to judge your own sh*t. Laugh it off.

Over time, as this situation repeats itself, you won’t be triggered by your own sh*t anymore. You’ll become less sensitive to their observations, and these moments would have served their purpose, which is your personal growth. Let the record show that you can avoid all of this sh*t, by learning to be ok with your own sh*t, which was stated at the beginning of this point.

20. (** For parents of Scorpio children) When you’re not watching, Scorpios will often try out all the things you’ve specifically told them not to do. Trust that they sit patiently and wait until the Universe tells them “now is the time to try our little experiment.” To manage this behavior, it’s best not to outright forbid them, except when it involves their safety. Instead, find ways to allow them to experiment within certain boundaries, pushing the limits while ensuring they remain safe.

This experimentation is essential for them to develop their skills in testing the vulnerabilities of systems, something they are naturally inclined to do. Your role in this process is to strike a balance between what’s considered “safe” and what’s not, which may require you to confront and overcome your own fears. Remember, Scorpios are also evolving through this process, and it serves a purpose in their growth.

Me and Jia enjoying a pool day, summer 2023.

21. Scorpios benefit greatly from expanding their vocabulary. As my daughter continues to grow and express herself using more words, forming 2 and 3-word sentences, I’ve noticed that her emotional frustrations have lessened. Many of her outbursts stem from her struggle to convey her feelings or intentions. Over time, as we continue teaching her new words, I anticipate her frustration will further decrease.

When Jia is upset due to communication challenges and I can’t immediately discern her needs, I employ a simple yet effective approach — I ask her to “show me.” This usually helps me understand what she’s trying to convey at the moment. I can already see that by expanding her vocabulary and helping her express herself better, she experiences fewer emotional frustrations. Until then, we view these intense moments as opportunities for both her and us to learn valuable lessons from the Universe.

22. Scorpios want what they want, when they want it. If you give them what they want, all will be well in your world. Don’t, and they will vocalize their displeasure with you in a very Scorpio way. You’ve been warned :)

I acknowledge Jia’s other astrological placements that contribute to her character. I also acknowledge that not every Scorpio will display all of these traits, but many might share some of these qualities. Keeping these observations in mind should help you connect better with Scorpios.

My adventure of raising a Scorpio child has been truly extraordinary, and I encourage you to explore your own unique gifts and those around you. Know that each sign contributes something special to our world.

If you’re interested in discovering your own superpowers, consider picking up my latest book, “Cosmic Parenting: Unleash Your Child’s Magical Superpowers of the Zodiac.” It’s available at B&N, on Amazon Kindle, or you can even get a free copy on my website, shaunadamscoaching.com, where you can also schedule a clarity call with me.

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading my insights on Scorpios. To wrap things up, I’d like to share an aphorism my wife often tells our daughter Jia:

It’s oooohhh-kaaay. Everything is going to be oohhh-kaaay. Just breathe.”

I believe this reminder can benefit us all.

Do you have any experiences with Scorpios to share? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments.



Shaun Adams
The Cosmic Closet

Dad, Hubby, Author, Mystic, Healer, Parent Coach helping parents connect deeply with their kids to create cosmic harmony in their relationships. 💫