Cosmic Affirmations I Use to Protect My Children Every Time They Leave Home

Shaun Adams
The Cosmic Closet
Published in
7 min readNov 18, 2023


My Son, Wife, Me, and my eldest daughter, circa 2014

It was 11pm on a starry summer night. My wife and I were relaxing at my sister and brother-in-law’s house. Our two children, aged 15 and 19, were also there, having a good time with their cousins in another part of the house. That night, the teens decided they wanted to drive and get some fast food. The only problem was, the nearest restaurant was 20 miles away. But being teenagers, they were excited about the idea of a late-night drive.

When my youngest daughter asked for permission to go, her eyes sparkled with excitement. She was the youngest in the group and this outing felt like a big step towards being more independent, like the older teens. But, I was a dad who always worried a lot. Usually, my answer would be “no” unless I or my wife could be there with them.

My thoughts were flooded with all the things that could go wrong. Yet, looking at my daughter, I could see how important this was for her. If I said no, it would not only disappoint her but might also hurt our relationship.

So, I started asking myself some hard questions:

  1. What exactly am I scared of?
  2. Where do these fears come from?
  3. Are these fears really likely to happen, or are they just possibilities?!
  4. Aren’t there just as many chances for good things to happen?!
  5. What if I choose to focus on these positive outcomes instead?
  6. How can I keep my thoughts positive when the kids are not around?
  7. Is it right to hold back my kids’ freedom because of my fears?
  8. Is it worth harming my bond with my daughter for these fears?

These questions were tough, and I didn’t have much time to think. In that moment, I made a courageous decision — I chose to let go of my fear and said “Yes.”

This decision was the start of a bigger journey for me. It led me to saying “YES” to releasing fears in many other areas of my life, a process that brought me more peace and freedom.

I’m still working on some fears, but I now recognize them and trust my Inner Christ to help me overcome them. Fear is a heavy burden, and letting go of it has caused me to feel much lighter. I talk more about releasing fears in chapter 9 of my book “Defrag Your Life, Discover Your Genius.”

Photo by Tim Goedhart on Unsplash

My Life Hack

I release the idea that I am responsible for my children’s safety. That’s too much of a responsibility for one person to bear. I’d rather keep that power in the only place it’s ever existed, God’s. So I turn to the Light within the Source of All Things for Its Guidance, and Protection.

One of the best ways I’ve found to stay calm when my kids are away is through prayer. To truly benefit from prayer, the first step is to release fear. The second step is to believe that your prayer is already answered, even before you say ask it

In the book, “Prayers of the Cosmos,” the author, Neil Douglas Klotz, notes that the original scripture in John 16:24, which reads, “Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete,” was altered from its original.

According to Klotz, John 16: 23–24 originally said:

“Ask without hidden motive and be surrounded by your answer. Be enveloped by what you desire, that your gladness be full.”

In other words, know that what you ask for has already been completed. Be it.

This approach is a mental hack for me. I remind myself that my prayers of protection have already been answered — so my prayers now begin with, “I thank you Source of All that this request has already been completed!” This forces my mind to acknowledge and KNOW that my kids are safe… especially when worries try to creep in,

When I pray, I pause for a few moments and imagine God’s Light all around me. Then I place my hands on my heart to focus my attention on Christ in my Heart (Ephesians 3:17). Usually I take in a few breaths to slow down my breating and remind my body that I Am safe. Then I call to God, my Higher Christ Self, the Universe, Angels and my Guides. I leave no One out.

After a few minutes of quiet, I begin to pray. But, I don’t just pray for my children; I extend my prayers to everyone and everything they might encounter. If my son is driving to a city for an event, I call forth Light around all the drivers traveling on the road, every worker at all events, and even all the police officers, firefighters and public servants in every city. I visualize angels protecting every place they travel. Actually, my prayer is a lot more lengthy and uses esoteric terms, but you get the gist.

Can I tell you something? This “hack” has never failed me, or should I say, God’s record with me is flawless. Every single time I’ve prayed this way, my kids have had amazing experiences. They often tell me stories about how any problems they faced were quickly solved, often by the kindness of strangers who “randomly” were in the right place at the right Time.

Trust / Fear

As my journey of letting go and trusting unfolds, I’ve come to understand the profound impact of these simple yet powerful practices. Releasing fear and embracing faith through prayer are not just actions; they’re reflections of a deeper shift within me. By choosing trust over fear, I’m not only ensuring my children’s safety in a physical sense but also nurturing their emotional and spiritual growth. This journey has taught me the invaluable lesson of balance between protection and freedom, a lesson I will pass on to my children.

Perhaps, like me, have found that the most profound changes begin with the simplest of actions. Whether it’s through prayer, positive affirmations, or another practice that resonates with you, the journey towards a more trusting and peaceful mindset is well worth it. Your children, loved ones, and indeed, you yourself, deserve the freedom and peace that come from this transformation.

So, as you move forward, remember: the power to create a safe, nurturing, and fear-free environment for your loved ones starts within you. It’s a journey of constant learning and growth, but one that is filled with abundant rewards. Embrace it with an open heart and mind, and watch as the world around you transforms in harmony with your inner change

Cosmic Affirmations

The following is a list of angelic and esoteric affirmations that have been impactful for me when praying for protection. They are from High sources that I trust. But don’t take my word for it, try them for yourself and see.

Keep in mind: every time you say, “I AM,” you are affirming it is “God in me” who is doing these things. Know that when you speak an affirmation, it is God who is speaking that affirmation through you. And it is the same “I AM” in other people who will stop themselves from attempting to bring harm to you or your loved ones.

  • I AM” the Mighty Law of Divine Justice and Protection acting in the minds and hearts of individuals everywhere.
  • I AM” Divine Love, filling the minds and hearts of individuals everywhere.
  • I AM” all things. “I AM” the Protecting Presence.
  • I AM” the Mighty, Magic Circle of Protection about me that is Invincible and repels from me every discordant thought and element which seeks to find interest or intrude itself. “I AM” the Perfection of my world, and it is Self-sustained.
  • I AM” the Flame of God’s Love in outer physical use in everything I do; and wherever “I AM”, It lights my way, perfects things. And wherever I go, “I AM” Victory! “I AM” Protecting Perfection! “I AM” the Purifying Love and Peace that is the Divine Plan, and the Divine Plan’s Fulfillment of the Ascension of every particle of Life in this World or any other rest of Eternity!
  • “I AM” the All-knowing, Dazzling, Fathomless Mind of God, the “Mighty I AM Presence,” Its Almighty Intelligence, Its Boundless Knowledge, Its Limitless Wisdom, Its Infinite Inspiration, Its Eternal Truth, Its Full Illumination, Its Complete Perfection and Invincible Protection, releasing through me now Transcendent Ideas of Perfection from the Secret Heart of God, that have never come forth before anywhere in the Universe.

Angelic Calls

Always remember that you have the power to call ANGELS to protect you! (Psalm 91:11)

  • I call the Cosmic Angels to blaze in and around me, and my loved ones, and keep on blazing Their Hearts’ Love of the Control of all manifestation — Their Hearts’ Master Power of Immortal Protection around me and around everything I use, around everybody I contact, until I become so blazing with the Concentration of that Power that that which is of discord cannot come near me.
  • I Call to my “Higher Christ Self” to protect me and my loved ones from the negative pressure of the atmosphere wherever we go and abide.
  • I call the Limitless Legions of the Angelic Host’s Presence to enfold this locality, myself, my home, and my loved ones.
  • I ACCEPT the Light of the Love of the Angelic Host enfolding me, which gives me Protection against the shadows! It gives me more Illumination to reveal ahead of time the things I need to know!



Shaun Adams
The Cosmic Closet

Dad, Hubby, Author, Mystic, Healer, Parent Coach helping parents connect deeply with their kids to create cosmic harmony in their relationships. 💫