Coming Out of the Cosmic Closet: My Christian Journey to Oneness

Shaun Adams
The Cosmic Closet
Published in
8 min readAug 26, 2023


Have you ever felt like you’re leading two lives — one conforming to the world’s expectations, and the other resonating deeply with your soul? If so, you’ll understand my transformation.

If ever there was such a thing as a “die-hard Christian,” I was the definition of it. From a young age, my life revolved around ministry. As a teenager, while my peers were experimenting with drinking, partying, and smoking, I enjoyed church activities such as choir practice and Vacation Bible School. I had many characteristics of a conventional Christian with traditional ideas, and I fit the mold.

So who would have thought that this Christian would own a business using astrology, numerology, and human design to aid parents in understanding their kids? Who would have thought that this Christian would now honor the Sun, the Moon, the Earth, and the Divinity in each of them? Who would have thought?

From Conventional Beliefs to Cosmic Consciousness

Recently, I reconnected with a really good friend I’ve known my whole life. I told her how much she had changed. Her response was, “Well, obviously. I’m not the image of that young girl you’ve kept in your mind all this time.” Her words really touched me. It made me realize how often I keep images of people in my head. So I reprogrammed my brain to stop doing that, and here’s how I did it: I’ve learned to give people permission to change, even though they don’t actually need my approval. This little method comes in handy, particularly when my mind tries to keep seeing people as they were before, even though they’ve changed from what I thought.

But even more profound, was the realization that I do this very thing to myself. I keep myself trapped in the image of who I used to be, and I’m hesitant to break free from that past version because I’m afraid people will judge me for who I’ve become. I am now ready to release this belief, as it no longer serves me. I give myself permission to change!

So here I am, talking to you today as the “new” me, someone who has let go of the “old” Shaun and is welcoming Shaun 2.0. For many of you reading this, I might be the only version of me you know. But for others, it’s a glimpse of the “new” Shaun.

The old Shaun used to have certain beliefs and a mindset that aligned with traditional Christian beliefs. But after experiencing a spiritual awakening, I’ve come to see things in a different way. Can you recall a time when an old belief was shattered by a new revelation? How did that feel?

Shattering Old Images: Embracing the New Me

The way I find peace within myself is by being open to others thoughts, ideas, and beliefs. I might not always see things the same way, but I choose to listen and care for them without being judgmental. This is my most important secret for healing myself and others: listening without passing judgment. Then, I give myself permission to change, and I also let others know it’s okay for them to do the same.

So, what do I believe now, you might wonder? How have my beliefs shifted away from fundamental Christianity to the point that I need to write about “coming out”? If you are open to hearing the perspective of “new” Shaun, I invite you to keep reading. I imagine this will resonate with many of you.

  • I believe that God is Light (1 John 1:5) and that God is All (Colossians 3:11). The only thing God cannot be, is some.
  • I believe that this Source of All existed before the notion of Time Itself (Psalm 90:2)
  • I believe that this Source of All sought to know Itself through the process of experiencing. For example, I can write a book about driving a car, but true knowing comes from experiencing it firsthand.
  • I believe that this Source of All divided itself from within, extending its Light into every aspect of existence, encapsulating All Things, from the smallest electron to the largest star.
  • For better comprehension, picture God in a similar manner as you would with this toy:

God’s Light anchors Itself into the heart of all things. Your heart resides on one end of this Light, while the Source of All Light rests at the opposite end. Yet, it’s more than just you that this Light is connected to. It extends Itself into every tree, every animal, every star, every atom, every plant, every planet, everywhere. It literally reaches out into ALL THINGS, even things that are not in existence (Colossians 1:16–17).

YOU ARE THIS LIGHT (Matthew 5:14)! This is why this Source of Light calls itself “I AM THAT I AM” (Exodus 3:14). When I speak to you, I am speaking to this Light, the “I AM” in You. We are One with the I Am That I AM — All That Is. This One Source of All is both One and It is Many (1 Corinthians 12:12–27). Take a moment to consider this concept.

The new Shaun no longer perceives divisions between male and female, white and black, Christian and atheist. I don’t see separation between Spirit and Science, or between the Universe and the Holy Spirit. My perspective has shifted to one of Oneness (Galatians 3:28).

As a result of how my beliefs have evolved, I also hold the following:

  • Instead of negating the existence of a Mother God, I now deliver talks and preach about Her.
  • I actively declare the Oneness that weaves through all time and space.
  • I now openly discuss the healing and therapeutic benefits of cannabis.
  • I communicate daily with Angels, Guides, and the Stars.
  • I perceive religion, spirituality, and science as a unified whole.
  • I hold in reverence both my prior Christian ministerial license and my current identity as a certified life coach.

In my view, these beliefs are aligned with the heart of Christianity. In fact, through my personal studies, I’ve found a pleasant surprise — each of these ideas is intricately intertwined in the Bible and other religious writings. As a spiritual coach and teacher, it will be my pleasure to share my insights into the mysteries of Christ with anyone open to listening (Ephesians 3:4).

Christ Consciousness: A Realization of Oneness

When one begins to awaken spiritually, they encounter a newfound awareness of Unity and Oneness that is commonly known as “Christ Consciousness.” In this context, the Word “Christ” doesn’t just refer to the Beloved Person of Jesus; it refers to a state in which a person embodies Divine Love, Unity, and a profound interconnectedness with ALL THINGS. Christ Consciousness is the awareness that we are not separate from anything that exists anywhere; we are One with All that exists (I Corinthians 12:12–27). I Am Christ. You are Christ. We are all embodiments of Christ in our own microcosm.

This is who I am. This is the version of myself I have made a conscious choice to embrace. I won’t keep my true self hidden any more. I will honor my authentic essence rather than hold onto who I used to be. I offer up the “old” version of myself as fuel for my evolution into Who I Am becoming. I’ve also chosen to let go of the need to justify my beliefs to others. Every person has the right to their own beliefs (Romans 14:5).

I suppose I needed to share this, not so much for others, but for my own sense of release. I can’t deny that articulating these thoughts and feelings feels remarkably liberating. I now have an abundance of compassion for the countless LGBTQIA+ individuals who often “come out” to reveal their true selves. And although the circumstances of my own “coming out” are different, I can certainly relate to them on a much deeper level than I ever could as the “old” Shaun.

That’s why I love the journey of who I am becoming. I find myself a more open-minded, peaceful, patient, loving, accepting, caring, and authentic individual. Those who have known me for a long time can attest to this.

Coming “In”: The Inward Journey of Self-Discovery

Guided by this newfound clarity, I proudly declare my emergence from the “Cosmic” closet. Actually, a more accurate way to express this is that I am coming “in,” as Janelle Monáe recently shared in an interview. In essence, I am embarking on an inward journey.

To those of you who are reading this and bravely embracing your true selves, this blog is a tribute to your courage. I see you, and I am sincerely grateful for you! I hope my story has ignited a spark with you in some small way.

Now that I’m “out,” my plan is to share more of my experiences and reflections. I intend to explore subjects like spirituality, astrology, human design, numerology, and more. But I’m most excited to dive deeply into the mysteries of Christ Consciousness and show that being true to yourself doesn’t compromise or diminish your love for Jesus.

If my journey resonates with you, or if you are on a similar path, I’d love to hear from you. Join my growing community by following The “Cosmic Closet” blog and/or share your insights in the comments section. Together, let’s embrace the cosmos within.

Until we meet again, here’s to being courageous enough to imagine a world where everyone can just BE.


Author Note: Astrological Reflection

The words you’re reading were penned during a New Moon phase in Leo. According to insights from the Pattern app, here’s what a new moon in Leo signifies (as described below). I’d be intrigued to learn if these interpretations mirror your own life experiences.

“This is the time to set your intentions to courageously make up your life any way that you desire and put yourself out in the world without guilt or shame. Now is a time to shine.”

“If you’ve been dimming your fire — for fear of overshadowing others, of being rejected or of not fitting in — now is the time to set intentions about being bold and expressing yourself with strength and courage.”

“Ultimately, living and acting out of the fire that’s in your heart will draw others to you easily and magnetically. As a role model, you can show them how to embrace their unique selves and inspire them to create their own lives in any way they desire.”

Shaun Adams is an ICF certified life coach, author of the groundbreaking book “Cosmic Parenting: Unlock Your Child’s Magical Superpowers of the Zodiac. Drawing upon the wisdom of astrology, human design, and numerology, Shaun’s mission is to empower parents with unconventional strategies that help them understand their children in a deeper and more comprehensive manner.



Shaun Adams
The Cosmic Closet

Dad, Hubby, Author, Mystic, Healer, Parent Coach helping parents connect deeply with their kids to create cosmic harmony in their relationships. 💫