The Next Time You See a Beautiful Sunset, Try This Mantra…

Shaun Adams
The Cosmic Closet
Published in
3 min readOct 17, 2023


My Youngest Daughter, Jia, admiring a beautiful rainbow (circa 6/2022)

As a mystic and Piscean, I’ve come to understand that I Am One with All that exists, and so are you - should you dare to believe it. Embracing this truth means acknowledging our inherent connection with Mother Nature, for we are not separate from Her. Your acceptance of this Truth, is to acknowledge that “Beauty resides wherever I AM.

Several years ago, a mantra from one of my esoteric books serendipitously crossed my path, much like you’ve discovered this short article. I share it with you below in the hope that you, too, will encounter God/Spirit/Light in a visible, tangible manner, a direct experience of your Divine Self.

The next time you find yourself beholding a beautiful sunrise, a majestic rainbow, or a breathtaking sunset, shower it with your love and recite these precise words:

“Beloved I AM Presence”! Bless it with everything that the Great Central Sun contains to produce Perfection, invincible and ever expanding.

Then, wait and observe for 15–30 minutes.

Afterward, return here and share the results of your experiment. I’ll meet you in the comments section.

Mother Nature’s Art

Whenever me and my family witness something as beautiful as a sunset or a rainbow, the kind of beauty that adorns a clear sky or the artistry of nature’s forces, we immediately run inside the house and yell, “SUNSET” or “RAINBOW.” Everyone immediately drops what they are doing to come outside and admire what the Elementals have painted in the sky.

Though pictures rarely capture the awesomeness of the moment, we take them anyway to remember our experience. Would you mind if I shared some of them with you?

The Adams Family enjoying nature :)



Shaun Adams
The Cosmic Closet

Dad, Hubby, Author, Mystic, Healer, Parent Coach helping parents connect deeply with their kids to create cosmic harmony in their relationships. 💫