Get Ready for Jupiter and Saturn in the Great Conjunction of 2020

The Cosmic Companion
The Cosmic Companion
4 min readDec 3, 2020


Jupiter and Saturn are closing in on the Great Conjunction of 2020. On December 21, they will be the closest they have been seen in the sky for centuries

Jupiter and Saturn, the two largest planets in the Solar System, will appear just one-tenth of a degree apart from each other on December 21.

The holiday season holds a special gift, as skygazers on Earth will be treated to a great conjunction of the planets Jupiter and Saturn. On December 21, the two largest planets in our solar system will appear just one-tenth of a degree apart, or one-fifth of the diameter of a full Moon.

This is the closest visible conjunction of the planets seen since the year 1226, when the empire of Genghis Khan reached its end, and the legend of Robin Hood began to take shape.

Come Together, Right… in About Three Weeks…

This close encounter of the planetary kind will be easily visible to most everyone in the world. The two worlds are already shining brightly in the southwestern sky, soon after sunset. Jupiter and Saturn will draw closer to each other each night until December 21st, when they will appear as a brilliant pair of…



The Cosmic Companion
The Cosmic Companion

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