Max on Mars Feb. 20, 2020 — Max Takes Off!

The Cosmic Companion
The Cosmic Companion
2 min readFeb 20, 2020


Max on Mars takes off for National Love Your Pet Day!

Cats in space reaches new heights as Max, a lovable tabby cat, takes off on his adventures! Follow the exploits of Max the Cat every week as he learns how to survive on Mars!

What will he do? How will he survive? Where can he find a sunny place to take a nap?

Max on Mars is written by James Maynard, drawn by Florencia Vidal, and published by The Cosmic Companion.

Read all his tales (tails?) at!

Max on Mars Episode 1: Max Takes Off!

Max eating food in a laboratory
Max loved living in the space lab
Max sleeping on a spacesuit
So many places to nap
A rocket touches down on Mars
The Mars mission lands
Max, eyes wide, stares our the window of the rocket at the Martian landscape
Aww, Crap!

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Take off to to follow all the adventures of Max on Mars!



The Cosmic Companion
The Cosmic Companion

Making science fun, informative, and free to all. The Universe needs more science comedies.