Sylvia Earle Brings Us on a Global Odyssey

Exploring oceans of Earth with world-renowned oceanographer and marine biologist Dr. Sylvia Earle

The Cosmic Companion
The Cosmic Companion


Dr. Sylvia Earle appears on Astronomy News with The Cosmic Companion 7 December 2021. Image credit: The Cosmic Companion

Sylivia Earle Tells us About National Geographic Ocean | A Global Odyssey

This week on Astronomy News with The Cosmic Companion, we are delighted to be joined by one of the world’s most renowned oceanographers, Dr. Sylvia Earle. She’s here to talk to us about her new book, National Geographic Ocean | A Global Odyssey.

We’re going to get an in-depth look at the oceans of our home world. We’re also going to take a look up in the sky, as a trio of planets line up with the Moon, and the Geminid meteor shower aims to delight skygazers. And, we look in on an odd planet that is really metal. No, seriously. It’s metal.

Read our review of National Geographic Ocean | A Global Odyssey

Early in the evening of Friday 10 December, the Moon will line up in the night sky with…



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