Teaching Kids About Space w/ Dean Regas from Cincinnati Observatory

Teaching children about space and astronomy — with Dean Regas from Cincinnati Observatory, author of 1,000 Facts About Space from National Geographic

The Cosmic Companion
The Cosmic Companion


Dean Regas and James Maynard talk via video against a backdrop of computer-generated avatars of children.

Welcome back to The Cosmic Companion. I’m James Maynard. This week, we look at Teaching Kids About Space, as we welcome astronomer Dean Regas to the show. He is the author of a new book, 1,000 Facts About Space from National Geographic Kids.

In years past, students didn’t have a lot of resources for learning about the stars and planets. They would have to rely on books, or perhaps a telescope if they were lucky. But all that began to change in the 20th century.

In the 1920s and 30s, planetariums began to pop up in schools and museums around the world. These dome-shaped theaters make use of special projectors, simulating the night sky, providing viewers with an up-close and personal look at the stars and planets. This was a game changer for astronomy education, as it allowed…



The Cosmic Companion
The Cosmic Companion

Making science fun, informative, and free to all. The Universe needs more science comedies.