Introducing Us.

A four-handed story, written to get You into our Wonderland.

The Cosmos Guardian
5 min readJul 28, 2019


Some of you recently met us in Osaka, Berlin, and Seoul. Someone else saw us scrolling through the home on Twitter, Telegram or Discord.

But as in every first meeting, we would like to introduce ourselves to you for who we really are:

Riccardo and Daniela.

Riccardo: Core Developer

postcard from Seoul

Hello everyone, my name is Riccardo.

The first time I used a PC was back when I was 3 years old, playing Spider with my grandma.

Since then I’ve been passionate about tech and when I was 17 I decided that it would have become my job.

I graduated in Computer Science from the University of Padua in 2017 and I’ve been an Android Engineer for three years, since December 2017, designing and coding apps.

From January 2018 to December 2019 I’ve been the lead developer of the Commercio.Network blockchain, designing and coding most of it.

During my time at Commercio, I’ve also focused part of my time on creating open source developer tools and applications that can bring more mobile developers to build applications related to the Cosmos Hub. Some of my works have been:
* Sacco.dart, a Dart library to create, sign and send transactions compatible with any Cosmos SDK-based chain
* Borsellino, a multi-chain Flutter wallet that can be used either on Android or iOS devices

Unluckily, both of those projects have been left aside when I left the company, and their development has stopped since then. For this reason, I’ve started what can be considered the continuation and evolution of Sacco.dart, which I’ve called Alan.dart, with the idea of bringing to every Dart/Flutter developer a library that can be easily used to create web or mobile applications that communicate with Cosmos-based chains.

A part from that, I also try to create useful Medium articles describing how Cosmos and the blockchain technology in general work using simple words. That’s why I started the “Explained to my dog” article series that you can find on the Cosmos Guardian.
Lately one of them (the “Proof-of-Stake on Cosmos Network, explained to my dog”) has also been translated to Chinese by IRISnet (you can find its translation here)!

Since December 2019 I’ve joined Forbole to become part of the team that is developing Desmos, a new protocol based on Cosmos that aims to provide developers a way to create social networks that focus on users.

I’m now focused in leading the development of the Desmos chain as well as creating Mooncake, the first mobile application based on Desmos itself (available for both Android and iOS ).

I really hope that with this project we can lead more and more people into the blockchain world, by making them realize that it is not only for people interested in finance but also interested in the privacy concerns of social networks as well as other social problematic that the new technologies have made emerge.

“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better — Samuel Beckett”

Daniela: Evangelist & Community Manager

postcard from Seoul

Hi, I’m Daniela! It’s a pleasure to meet you all!

I’ve been passionate about videogames and technology since I was 3 y.o. and my uncle used to play with me at Bomberman and Super Mario Bros.

At the age of 15 it was clear to me that I wanted to spend my time between RPG and Fantasy Books and I didn’t hide it. At the time, however, it was not a boast to be a Nerd and the fact that I was considered strange was ordinary.

But I didn’t care about it.

That’s why, once I graduated in Art History, I continued to spend my free time with everything related to gaming and technological innovations.

When in 2018 the Commercio Consortium proposed to me to join the Commercio.Network project I used to think that mine was a marginal role. So, due to not knowing a lot about the blockchain world, I preferred to remain “behind the scenes”.Thanks to my passion for it tho, working hard on the project and studying in the short time that remained avaiable, I began to express my opinions and actively give my contribution more and more often.
During this experience I also had the good luck to meet Riccardo, who with his presence enriched me and pushed me to grow and improve as I could never have done on my own.

As Commercio.Network Evangelist and Community Manager, I attended at the most prominent blockchain events as company’s representative, with the mission to explore potential partnership opportunities.
My responsibilities were managing the company’s engagement with various social networks and blogging platforms, directing the Cosmos Italia’s Twitter account, the Telegram channel and the Medium publisher.
Over time I have also collaborated with, always as Community Manager, playing a role quite similar to the one I had inside Commercio.Network.
Of this period I remember with particular affection the interview with the Everett team, written after them being selected to join the grantfish grant program. I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to meet and work with exceptional people, which will certainly carry in my heart in the future too: stakefish is really a home for innovation and talent.

From all these incredible experiences and from my and Riccardo’s will to bring our personal contribution to the Cosmos Community was born the Cosmos Guardian.
This project is particularly close to my heart, because it is the materialization of my desire to #SpreadTheKnowledge but also of my will to making everyone feel included and protagonists.
For the Cosmos Guardian I’m writing the series “Interview with the Nerd”, #ATOMic Blog and Cosmos Traduzioni. I also organized, together with Riccardo, a Cosmos Community Event in Osaka, during Devcon V.

In my free time I supervise the communications of the Universal Chain Registry initiative, I help to moderate the Cosmos Community Server on Discord and the Telegram Channel & I translate everyday in italian Adriana’s “Today in Cosmos” tweets.
In addition to that, I recently translated into Italian and French the Cosmos Network explorer LOOK by

As my contribution to the growth of the ecosystem has been recognized by the Tendermint team, In February I was selected from All in Bits as one of the Cosmonauts deserving the “Cosmos Community Contributors Grant”.

Now I’m looking for a project that shares my same passion for knowledge and my same desire to make it available to everyone.

Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness.

But to keep going when the going is hard and slow.

That is patience.

The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. ―Tolstoy

