
A Free Verse Poem

Sylph Hemery
The Cotton Thread


Image by Reinhardi from Pixabay

The twirls of Life circle me.
Time, too fast, dizzies my heart,
blurring colors to a spinning,
out-of-breath gray.

I crouch inside the circle,
hiding my head from the frenzy,
and I dream a soothing space
to wake up in.

Opening to dreamtime,
I hear myself say, “I love you.”
Walls tumble into greenness.
Hushed Redwoods tower.

I step out into the forest
and I see you then,
the “you” I called
by my love words.

Your body is made of stars and space,
and mine is suddenly tree filled.
You take me into
your limitless arms,

and time slows enough for me
to e-x-p-a-n-d
and simply

A big thank you to Elise, for her poetry prompt dream. Be sure to treat yourself to her own dream piece, “Luna and Sol.”

Gratitude to Shruti Sinha and The Cotton Thread staff.

This story was published in The Cotton Thread — weaving life with words. If you want to be a writer in our publication, click here.



Sylph Hemery
The Cotton Thread

Poems and stories are my breath. Listening with my heart is my work.