Is This The Story Of You And Me?

Radhika Tara Kali
The Cotton Thread
Published in
1 min readSep 30, 2019
Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

Es tan corto el amor, y es tan largo el olvido
~Pablo Neruda

Ten long winters have passed,
Ten rains, falls, and flowerless springs;
Yet as I hold your book in my hands,
I wonder if in it you ever mentioned me.

I wonder at its weight upon my palms,
Is it just me or does it seem to breathe?

I wonder at the ink splotches on the cover,
Are they the tears we cried on our forking street?

I wonder at the page left blank without names,
Did you perchance dedicate this work of art to me?

I wonder at the invisible lines in the blank space,
Are they filled with the things we couldn’t speak?

I wonder still at the unending end,
Is it intentional, or is this tale incomplete?

I wonder as I start to read it again;
Is this the story of you and me?


This story was published in The Cotton Thread — weaving life with words. If you want to be a writer in our publication, click here.



Radhika Tara Kali
The Cotton Thread

Bisexual. Polyamorous. Cis-woman. Also, I’m Slytherclaw.