Photo by Greg Shield on Unsplash

Usher of the Fall

A poem

The Cotton Thread
Published in
2 min readSep 28, 2019


Photo by Autumn Mott Rodeheaver on Unsplash

As the summer is
drawing up the curtain for
the usher of the Fall,

The color surrounding is
Amber, gold & brown

The mood evolved is
Merry, light & sound

The wind hustling is
Drifting through the town

The landscape depicted
fresh from an artistic brush

The picturesque is
wet as painters canvas

Loveliest season of the year
Paving way for the winter
gently brushing down the leaves
on the ground & we all call it “Fall of Leaves”!

Shweta 2019

This is a response to Shobha Roy’s amber prompt “Fall” in the poem below -

Thank you so much for initiating the Thursday Poetry Prompt on The Cotton Thread publication!

This story was published in The Cotton Thread — weaving life with words. If you want to be a writer in our publication, click here.



The Cotton Thread

Exploring my world one day at a time with joy & passion — via words, books, paints & travel. Making sense of what life means to me on this journey