Snapchat geo-filter: Submission #1

Darius A. Miranda
Mad Frisco
Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2015

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Hi Darius Miranda!
Thanks for submitting a custom Geofilter! Your submission below will be reviewed in the order it was received. We will notify you if it has been approved and activated.

Geo: Telegraph Hill

Description: I’m a San Francisco native and currently live at the lower end of a historic neighborhood known as TELEGRAPH HILL. Back in the day this hill was used to send and receive communication using the first ever wired telegraphs, hence its name — Telegraph Hill. Coit Tower — which was erected as a Thank You to the firefighters that saved San Francisco from burning to the ground after the giant earthquake of 1906 — is one of the most iconic structures in San Francisco. Coit Tower prominently sits at the very top of Telegraph Hill acting almost like a referee for the Golden Gate Bridge and the skyscrapers that make up the downtown San Francisco skyline, especially on those days and nights when the city is covered in super thick fog with little to no visibility. BUT WAIT, THERE MORE… Telegraph Hill is special for another lesser-known reason. Every morning, early, I hear a rambunctious flock of birds flying low through the neighborhood, and sometimes they’ll just circle through the hilly streets and screech as loud as they possibly can. These birds are unique, rare and very special — they are the WILD PARROTS of Telegraph Hill. Unlike most domesticated parrots that we see on TV or in friends’ homes, these parrots live in the wild and have survived through the decades calling the tall trees that line Telegraph Hill their home. Tourists will often try and snap photos of these beautiful parrots, but they rarely sit still long enough for people to snap crisp photos. In fact, majority of photos published feature these green-bodied, yellow-feathered & red-crowned parrots flying together as a flock in a very flat-planed formation showing off their bright-colored wings and pointed tails. And for that reason I had to include these parrots in my filter design.

Notes: To learn more about these true San Francisco locals, you can check out this fascinating documentary released in 2003 featuring these birds up-close-and-personal. The name of the film: The WIld Parrots of Telegraph Hill.

Team Snapchat

[Post-review response]

Hi Darius Miranda!
Thanks again for sending us your Geofilter submission. After carefully reviewing your work, we’re sorry to say that we won’t be able to publish it.

Team Snapchat

Snapchat geo-filter: Submission #1…DECLINED.




Darius A. Miranda
Mad Frisco

VP Social Business Strategy, Wells Fargo. I tweet about #Social #Mobile #UXdesign #Marketing & today’s #CollaborativeEconomy.