Snapchat geo-filter: Submission #2

Darius A. Miranda
2 min readOct 17, 2015


[Auto-reply email from Snapchat]

Hi Darius Miranda!
Thanks for submitting a custom Geofilter! Your submission below will be reviewed in the order it was received. We will notify you if it has been approved and activated.

Geo: SF Financial District (Fi-Di)

Description: I live in San Francisco and work in the Financial District. We locals call it FI-DI. My apartment is up in North Beach, so close, so I have no option but to walk to work. A lot of my friends and colleagues walk to work, too. Or at least walk from the Muni stop up into FI-DI. Lots of great things to snap on the way to work, lots of locally-owned FI-DI lunch spots, and some of the best bars in SF are in FI-DI, where happy hour doesn’t official start until someone snaps the first pour!

Notes: I dropped a near full transparent penny in the upper left corner — like an Easter egg — and hopefully when people use this filter and discover the penny, it can feel just like finding a shiny penny on the sidewalk — it’s a sign of GOOD LUCK. And hopefully that penny brings ME luck and you accept my FI-DI geo-filter. Thank you! — Darius

Team Snapchat

[Post-review response]

Coming soon…




Darius A. Miranda

VP Social Business Strategy, Wells Fargo. I tweet about #Social #Mobile #UXdesign #Marketing & today’s #CollaborativeEconomy.