Why “Intelligent” Conversations can Change the World

Zac Giaimo
Mad Frisco
Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2017

Recently I stood in a park with a sign that said Free Intelligent Conversations. For 2 hours, I asked strangers if they believed we had free will, or what life taught them the day before, or even what their go-to joke or funny story was. Through scoffs and scowls I dodged the politically obsessed individual to find those wanting to help me break social barriers.

And I loved every second of it.

Every Saturday from now until April, strangers will gather together to have deep and meaningful conversations with other strangers. The amount of information, experiences, perspectives and general knowledge being exchanged all at once between people who have never met before breaks any social barrier that preceded to be there before the conversation started. In just ten minutes those people are leagues closer to each other than before.

Good conversation always offers a lesson to be learned. In high school I always had deep, intellectual discussions with whoever I could. Almost never would I walk away without learning something. I approach every conversation the same way since. Because of my open mind to learn from others almost all of my intellect comes from conversations with others.

Here’s the best part.

I hate talking to strangers.

Well, I used too. Now, in most cases, I just remember that others are themselves self conscious and my mind begins to relax. I would have never been so comfortable without holding these, at times, extremely uncomfortable conversations with some colorful characters. By “uncomfortable” I mean I was bullshitting my way through a topic I knew nothing about. I constantly want to learn and grow as a person. Hearing some of these stories have helped do just that.

To truly look through someones eyes and see the world through a whole new perspective keeps the mind open and receptive.

I’ve seen information exchanged by once complete strangers, who, would have normally never interacted with each other. I’ve witnessed head strong individuals have their opinions challenged and ultimately changed because of the new perspective these discussions offer.

By just talking to the person next to you, you can make a difference in their day as well as your own mind. Imagine if everyone could just talk to each other, about anything. Without the constant social barrier restricting them from opening up fully, maybe then would we see the commonalities we all share, and how we are all just human.

Stay Tuned.

Zac Giaimo

P.S. If you are in the Frisco area and would like to join us on Saturday search Free Intelligent Conversations on the MeetUp app.



Zac Giaimo
Mad Frisco

Not your average human. Traveler/Writer/Thinker