Completing the Big Three at The Create Labs

Krishna Nobis
The Create Labs
Published in
4 min readOct 31, 2017


By the big three, I mean is completing the three months of working here at The Create Labs. For someone who just finished up her post graduation and hunts around for a job, this was the place I wanted to start my work life with. I say this with conviction because the past few months prove that. Shunning away from the professional mannerisms of writing this, I wish to tell young readers, like me, that I work here not for what I’m offered but for what I’m learning. Let me break that down for you.

Have the ‘want’ in you

Nervousness and sweat breaks, that was me for a while, actually, for a really long time. But I found out a cure for this. It was the art of ‘wanting to grow’. A job does not seem like a nine to five once you have mastered the art of “wanting to grow”. Joining #TeamCreate made that desire stay strong. So, eventually I did, bid adieu to the nervous sweat breaks. The drive, ladies and gentlemen, is something that I keep coming back to, whether it’s the team I have or my bosses, aka, my mentors. They are the reason for this drive to be present.

Shift the worry away

The first months seemed very taxing. You ask why? As a person who wants things a little too idealistically, I tend to put extra pressure while working. That, right there is a blunder. I tried to put away the extra worry away & concentrated on just simply working, without the fear of judgement. Now that helped me, a lot. Close out the ‘what the team will think’ thought window and just do the work, is what I repeatedly told myself.

Observe and learn

Yep, that is exactly what I did. This one’s the keeper. Trying to grasp how things work, just by listening and observing helps. It helped me to let go of the stress and performance factor and kept me off the extra worrying. Sometimes I wonder if I got too creepy by observing too much, but well, I needed to. So, I did less of talking and more of listening.

You develop yourself

With the various struggles along with the feeling of complete hopelessness at times, (of course that is when I ended up over-analysing situations) or seeing yourself do some good work, you do evolve. Being someone who reflects her daily work or progress at the end of the day, I did find myself maturing, and that, is progress. In short — I was a work in progress who needed moulding.

Keeping that in mind, I expected faults here and there but letting them over-power them is something that I tried to stop. The thought of a newbie like me, have mentors who are ready to nurture a mind is something that kept me from not going crazy. Otherwise, you’d find a crazy girl here at the studio.

So I kept the room for error open. Concluding my little tale here, I just want to say that, breathe, people. Glitches, little or massive ones are and will happen. It’s a good thing to find mentors who can help you guide through times like these. I saw myself become a better version of myself and ended up learning a lot under their tutelage. All of this was possible, with of course a handful of silly errors here and there, but absolutely worth it. :)

Krishna Nobis

PS: Thanks for your time reading it! If you enjoyed it, hit that clapping hands button below. Would mean a lot to us and it helps other people to see the story too.

