Team Create’s Favourite Books

The Create Labs
The Create Labs
Published in
3 min readJun 30, 2017


At The Create Labs, we love to read! We believe one’s development goes hand in hand with reading & gaining more insightful knowledge.

That’s why we love to share our favourite books that have left a mark in our conscience and work process with you. These books helped us learn new skills, develop new ideas, know more about history or share wisdom & insights in a playful manner. If you follow us on Instagram, you must have noticed us sharing our favourites every week (if not then you should definitely hit the follow button now!)

Every month you’ll find a compiled version of all those books here in our Medium Publication with more details. Now let’s dive straight in!

1. Branded Interactions

Author: Marco Spies

Digital design plays a crucial role in determining how customers experience a brand & this book acts as a perfect guide for the same. It consists of five phases: discovering a demographic, defining an action plan, designing an interface, delivering a quality product & distributing the design.

It’s packed with interviews, illustrations & case studies to serve as an encyclopaedia for both professionals & those who are just starting out.

2. How to Use Graphic Design to Sell Things, Explain Things, Make Things Look Better, Make People Laugh, Make People Cry, and (Every Once in a While) Change the World

Author: Michael Bierut

If you ever wanted to take a peek into the life of a great graphic designer and his work then this book should be your choice. The author very cleverly explains many of his important and iconic work, as well as the process and struggle behind their creation.

Informative and inspiring, this book was definitely a great discussion point in our studio.

3. The Advertising Concept Book

Author: Pete Barry

The author explains straight forward: what, who and how to say in the advertising world. It covers every aspect of this business and tells us how to push an ad to turn it into something exceptional.

What we absolutely loved in the book is how interactive it is while staying focused on its core lesson: that a great idea will last forever.

4. Bauhaus

Author: Magdalena Droste

This book puts some light on one of the most famous art schools where painters, teaching specialists, architects, urban planners, artisans, engineers, photographers and designers worked together on a new concept of everyday life.

It fully celebrates Bauhaus’ adventurous innovation in the development of modernism, and as a paradigm in the field of art education.

Have you read any of these? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments or tweet them to us. Also, which of your favorites should we read & share next time? Let us know.




The Create Labs
The Create Labs

A design lab working on digital products & experiences for mission-driven businesses. New Delhi — Berlin