Creative Web Design 101: Redesigning a Website for Your Visitors

Aaron Lim
The Creative Blogger Community
4 min readNov 16, 2021
Creative Web Design 101: Redesigning a Website for Visitors
Photo by Igor Miske on Unsplash

Websites are the face of our business in the internet space and updating it every now and then is normal. Adapting to the current needs and preferences of people is a strategy businesses should have and you should consider a redesign too. This is why as part of the subject of creative web design, we compiled a list of how to redesign your website.

The best way to approach a web redesign is to plan it all first. There are many reasons people do website redesigns and you should identify yours as well. This could be a change in branding, make your website more user friendly, or you want to have a website makeover. Although it may seem exciting, this too is not an easy task. As mentioned, it would require you to plan, do lots of research and execute many tasks. Here are things you can start doing:

Review your current website

Review the Website — Creative Web Design 101
Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

First step would be checking your website. You look for the pros and cons and use them to your advantage in redesigning. Review your website through the eyes of your audience. Doing this will make you see things from a different perspective. You can use this information for planning and improving your website.

Check out the competition

Checking Competitors Website — Creative Web Design 101
Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

You should not be ashamed of yourself for doing this. You can practically see and feel the best practices they were able to use in the design of their website. After this, ask yourself, Is there any way I can improve the thing I saw on my competitor’s website?

Set your goals

Setting Goals — Creative Web Design 101
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

After doing a complete audit of your own and competitor’s websites, ask yourself “why would I be doing website redesign?” Is it to increase sales, to update branding and increase exposure, or for a better experience in sailing through your web pages? Once you get the definite answer, Set this as your goal and framework in redesigning your website.

Inform Your Service Provider of your SEO Concerns

Inform SEO Providers For SEO Concerns — Creative Web Design 101
Photo by Diggity Marketing on Unsplash

As mentioned earlier, redesigning requires a lot of work. This includes fixing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) matters. If you still haven’t done any SEO for your website, do not worry about this yet. If you have, update your service provider of the upcoming changes. They will also have time to plan out the changes they will make to your redesigned website.

Re-establish your branding

Re-establish branding — Creative Web Design 101
Photo by Patrik Michalicka on Unsplash

This is an opportunity for you to design your website the way you really want it to look. This is an exciting part for you to work on the user interface part of your creative web design. You may change your branding or re-establish your brand in a new light. This will align with your mission and vision and what your website is all about.

Determine your user’s journey

map customer journey — Creative Web Design 101
Photo by Brad Neathery on Unsplash

An essential phase of your website redesign is to identify your ideal audience’s user journey in your website. What do they do when they go to your website and what you want them to do there matters. For you to have a successful website redesign, make sure you optimize your page for your audience.

Come up with a realistic deadline

Set Deadline — Creative Web Design 101
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Redesigning a website takes a lot of effort and expect that it’s not easily done. A successful and quality redesign requires an organized and consistent mindset. And as much as possible, enjoy the process.

