eCommerce Developer in Singapore: 5 Proven Tips to Improve Your Website User Experience

Alexis Amoguez
The Creative Blogger Community
4 min readNov 3, 2021
5 Proven tips to improve your website user experience for eCommerce developer.
Image by Jan Alexander from Pixabay

User experience is primarily determined by how efficiently people can obtain the information they are looking for on the internet. Similarly, in the world of eCommerce, the increase in your sales will most likely give you an idea of how to layout your eCommerce website design to improve sales. The key to the website design process is to understand what a customer wants and how they feel while browsing your online store. Furthermore, acquire more information from an expert eCommerce developer in Singapore.

Well-designed websites attract people’s attention and, as mentioned, can boost your website sales. In addition, an ideal website design improves its usability. For example, an elegant design can enhance B2B (business to business)websites. On the other hand, websites that are targeting casual visitors can experiment with visuals and colors.

1. Remove unnecessary things from the Home Page

Remove unnecessary things from the home page
Image by Mudassar Iqbal from Pixabay

A well-maintained home page allows users to efficiently read about your products or services and find which links to click if they choose to continue.

Get rid of unnecessary text, visuals and links from the homepage. Then, keep only the content that effectively conveys your products or services. A minimalist design, in particular, is the ideal choice for new businesses that’s still in the process of developing their brand’s visual identity.

2. Organise Elements To Hold Users Attention

Organise elements to hold users attention
Image by 200 Degrees from Pixabay

Online users, particularly those on mobile devices, have a notably short attention span. Therefore, organize website elements to hold users attention and encourage users to take desired actions such as purchases or subscriptions.

One of the best tips for a call to action button is, you can position it in the center of the screen, with your logo displayed in the header. Enlarge your logo and business name to make it more visible. Doing so helps users notice these features first before moving on to more minor elements like text.

3. Optimise Content To Make It Readable and Skimmable

Optimise content to make it readable and skimmable

Another critical piece of website design advice is to make your product descriptions, service lists, and other detailed information as easy to read and scan as possible. So users could easily understand your website’s content.

When customers focus on the crucial details, it enables them to evaluate your products or services promptly. Elements that might improve your websites, such as contrasting background and text, text size and font types, make it easier for users to read.

The text size must be large enough to be readable yet not distracting. Using different fonts can help organize content making it easier to read.

4. Design Your Website For Easy Navigation

Design your website for easy navigation

A successful website should have an easy-to-navigate layout that is also intuitive for users. User Experience (UX) designers are skilled at identifying user personas and determining the optimum structure.

For instance, logos can link back to the homepage so users won’t have to click the go-back button repeatedly.

Take advantage of your website footer at the bottom of each page. You may include your social network account, contact information, addresses, and more in this section.

5. Create a Responsive Website

Create a responsive Website
Image by ijmaki from Pixabay

Responsive websites are favorable because they allow the web page to adjust to the screen size. This feature enables a short loading time, therefore, allows a fast and smooth browsing experience.

Keep in mind that mobile websites are smaller than the desktop version, so you’ll need to reduce any content that was previously on the desktop version. After all, no one would want to explore a website with sluggish browsing and excessively huge text or graphics.

Rise Above The Competition With An Extraordinary Web Design

As the online arena becomes increasingly competitive, your website will need all the assistance it can get to boost user engagement and conversion.

To execute the tips as mentioned earlier, seek out a professional eCommerce developer in Singapore to assist you.



Alexis Amoguez
The Creative Blogger Community

I am passionate about English Literature and Poetry. I love rainy days, books and coffee.