eCommerce Web Development: 7 Major Benefits of Using WooCommerce

Alexis Amoguez
The Creative Blogger Community
5 min readSep 29, 2021
Benefits of Using WooCommerce

Starting an eCommerce business in Singapore can be incredibly challenging and costly. With that said, technological advancements get to make the process more straightforward and more user-friendly. Businesses recognize the value of the digital platform they use for their operations.

Choosing the right eCommerce plugin is extremely important for your business’ success because a better platform offers greater possibilities for growth. Business owners repeatedly lose money due to poor research when selecting an eCommerce platform to launch their business. Therefore, seeking support from the top eCommerce Web Development in Singapore in choosing the suitable eCommerce plugin for your business is highly advised.

What is WooCommerce?

Developed for small to large-scale online retailers, WooCommerce is an open-source eCommerce plugin for WordPress. WordPress is a popular platform used by millions around the globe. Woo Themes, a WordPress theme store, first opened its doors in 2008. It was well-known as one of the commercial WordPress theme stores. The same developers who created Woo Themes created WooCommerce in 2011.

7 Benefits Of Using WooCommerce

1. Free and Easy to Install WordPress Plugin

Main advantage of WooCommerce is free and easy to Install WordPress Plugin
Image by Al Kwarismi Wirawan from Pixabay

As previously said, WooCommerce built its foundation on top of WordPress. It is known as one of the most extensively used eCommerce tools. This plugin is free and open-source, not to mention highly customizable.

Use the content editing tools available to you for your blog and other web pages. One of the numerous WooCommerce advantages is effortlessly managing your eCommerce and WordPress on the same user-friendly CMS system.

With all the great features of WooCommerce, a simple WordPress website can transform into a profitable online store with a range of valuable and convenient shopping functions.

Other platforms may have fewer options when it comes to adding content-rich subpages. If you want to develop a corporate website with eCommerce capabilities, WooCommerce is a perfect choice.

2. Absolute Control Of Your Data

You can control your data in WooCommerce
Image by Mudassar Iqbal from Pixabay

There’s always a risk of losing data when using a third-party eCommerce platform. It may also expose your website to the restrictions of their party, causing significant challenges when accessing data.

WooCommerce recognizes the importance of your data concerning your customer orders and purchases history, which is why WooCommerce provides a backup platform in case the other third-party eCommerce platform or service provider is down.

3. Countless Themes and Seamlessly Unique Store Designs Via WordPress Theme

Countless Themes and Seamlessly Unique Store Designs Via WordPress Theme
Image by 200 Degrees from Pixabay

Online business owners need a theme that focuses more on eCommerce-related options and features. With WooCommerce responsive, flexible and easy to use designs, you can effortlessly switch back and forth between themes to refresh your website’s appearance with a selection of premium and free customized themes.

4. Functionality Available

Functionality Available in WooCommerce
Image by Joseph Mucira from Pixabay

WooCommerce comes with all the elements necessary for a new online store to function, from products catalogue to ordering and billing. Keep in mind that these features are relatively standard and will need the use of plugins or modifications.

Main functionality includes:

  • Product categorization and filtering
  • Quick and easy monitoring of product categories
  • Embedded blog
  • Tags and attributes
  • Product reviews and ratings
  • Location customization: language, currency, measurement units, and unlimited products you can sell or images you can use for each product

5. Protection and Security

WooCommerce provides better Protection and Security
Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

To provide a safe online experience, the WooCommerce development team collaborates closely with, one of the most well-known security services.

Another excellent safety feature of WooCommerce is that its point of sale (POS) is updated regularly, so you don’t have to be worried about any security issues. It will always be compatible with the newest WordPress versions, and there will be no bugs.

With regular updates to your WooCommerce platform and plugins, you’ll be able to run your online business in a more stable and secure environment.

6. SEO Friendly

WooCommerce is SEO Friendly
Image by Juned Alam from Pixabay

WooCommerce is one of the most popular platforms and is also highly adapted to Googles’ SEO guidelines. Because of its user-friendly design, SEO optimization for your products and other content pages becomes much more accessible.

WooCommerce themes with built-in SEO optimization assist you in attracting more visitors. Higher traffic means more sales on an eCommerce store. A third-party SEO plugin is also available to help you further optimize your website’s web pages and blog content.

7. Fast Loading Speed

Fast Loading Speed
Image by Hugo Hercer from Pixabay

An eCommerce website with a slow loading speed is terrible for an online business. Websites built on WooCommerce are fast loading and perform well.

WooCommerce files and databases are very lightweight. The websites load quickly and use fewer resources on the server. It makes WooCommerce a lucrative eCommerce solution with regards to hosting a new online store website.

Final Point

There are perks and advantages of utilizing WooCommerce that are not on the list. One thing is sure; businesses will benefit from the platform’s professional appearance and functionality.

Take advantage of WordPress excellent Content Management System (CMS), and the WooCommerce plugin is a perfect choice for you to launch a fully functional and highly customizable online store. An eCommerce Web Development company in Singapore can walk you through the process.

Having an outstanding eCommerce solution in Singapore will definitely set your business apart from the competition.



Alexis Amoguez
The Creative Blogger Community

I am passionate about English Literature and Poetry. I love rainy days, books and coffee.