7 Easy Tips to Improve Your Website’s Conversion Rate

Aaron Lim
The Creative Blogger Community
4 min readOct 29, 2021
7 Tips to Improve Website’s Conversion Rate
Image by Cyber Rabbit from Pixabay

A website is like a 24/7 salesperson in the internet space. When you take care and improve your website, it will do its job and get you conversions and sales. This is what every business website owner wants. Any business can have a website of their own and others have high traffic. But what if it’s a challenge to convert this traffic into sales? That is why you need to improve your website’s conversion rate.

Improving Conversion Rate

One must acknowledge that driving traffic to the website is a good thing. The more traffic, the more chances of conversion rate. Businesses change their website for them to achieve high conversion rates. But a problem exists if traffic is high while conversion is low. To further help you, we compiled 7 possible tips to improve your website’s conversion rate.

1. Improved User Experience

Enhance User Experience — 7 Tips to Improve Website’s Conversion Rate
Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay

An important factor when it comes to conversion rate is excellent user experience. A website that is simple and easy to navigate is what users want. Even if the website has a great design and products, if it’s difficult to use, it will be useless. Improving the user experience is a sure way for your website to increase its conversion rate. This can include but not limited to:

  • Fast Loading Speed — Loading speed is crucial as users can leave your website if it takes too long to load.
  • Responsive Web Design — Responsiveness is important for users with multiple devices. Websites should be adaptable to different sizes of screens to have a good experience.
  • Organised Navigation Bar — With a clean and organized navigation bar, users can go to their preferred page instantly. thus a better user experience.

2. Excellent Copywriting

Enhance Copywriting — 7 Tips to Improve Website’s Conversion Rate
Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay

Having a good website design is nice but an excellent copy in a website is better. Content is what makes the audience stay on the website and converts them into customers. There is a high chance of converting visitors into customers with Interesting and engaging content. Ideal audiences will determine if the content of the website is high quality and well researched. And should they find it very satisfactory, expect that they will come back for more.

3. Use High-Quality Images

Use High-Quality Images — 7 Tips to Improve Website’s Conversion Rate
Image by Lalmch from Pixabay

Images give life and visuals to the website that without it, it may seem dull. This is a factor when it comes to conversion rate as images are gateways to people’s expectations. High-quality images give out a professional vibe for a business. Through this, visitors will look at it as credible and trustworthy to buy from.

4. Engaging Videos

Engaging Videos — 7 Tips to Improve Website’s Conversion Rate
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Videos are supplementary elements that can help you improve your website’s conversion rate. Because of their engaging platforms, it can capture the attention of viewers. At the same time, can give an idea to the visitors of the business’ products.

5. Strong CTAs

Include CTA’s — 7 Tips to Improve Website’s Conversion Rate
Image by Photo Mix from Pixabay

CTAs or Call-to-Actions are usually a one liner text that aims to persuade its viewer to take action. normal CTAs usually read “Visit us now!” or “Buy Now” but these strategies most of the time are now overused on the internet. In creating strong CTAs, creative and tailored-to-audience is a must. As much as possible, write it in a personal manner that the reader will relate. Through this, chances of higher conversion rates increase.

6. Recommendations and Testimonials

Add recommendations or testimonials — 7 Tips to Improve Website’s Conversion Rate
Image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay

A very strong buy signal to anyone is a recommendation from another user. Positive reviews and testimonials help the business look credible and trustworthy. Through this, there is a high possibility that others will push through with their purchase. And with more recommendations, your business will thrive more.

7. Good Contact Forms

Include Contact Form — 7 Tips to Improve Website’s Conversion Rate
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Contact forms are a way for visitors to store their information in the website’s database. Through this, they can still receive messages from you through a platform. Creating contact forms that are non-intrusive and straight to the point is necessary. These are important especially for those who have questions about your business. With contact forms filled out, you can be sure that there is a demand in your business and they are intent.

