The 3 Biggest Mistakes Everyone Makes at Networking Events

The Creative Entrepreneur
4 min readNov 18, 2015

Networking events are tough. They’re high-pressure situations, and you only have a few minutes to make a great impression.

You want to show your true, warm personality at these events. You also want to communicate to other people that you’re calm and confident in yourself. There are a number of errors you can make, however, that’ll portray the exact opposite.

Let’s go over three of the biggest mistakes you can make at networking events, as well as how you can fix them using the power of body language.

The mistake: Not preparing for interactions

Many people think they can just wing it in these situations and be fine. Even if you’re highly charismatic, you always need to prepare in advance for interactions at networking events.

To do this, put together a success routine. This is what will give you practice and help you prepare emotionally, physically, and mentally for the event.

A must-have on your success routine to-do list is power posing. For example, you could stand with your feet apart, place your hands at your sides, and put your chest out. If you’re in a rush, dance in the car. Do whatever makes you feel in control. Power poses increase your testosterone, and will get you ready to conquer the networking event.

On your to-do list, include thinking about times you felt successful and why. You might want to keep your own list of these times in your office so that you can go over it whenever you need to build confidence. Also, watch funny videos or listen to comedians that make you laugh. If you feel good beforehand, you’re going to be relaxed and ready to talk to people.

The mistake: Giving a bad handshake

The way you shake someone’s hand and how your hand feels shows who you are and your current state of mind. For example, if someone goes to shake your hand, and you put your palm out face up, it shows the person that you’re lower than him or her. If your hand is up and arched, and you’re putting it above the person’s hand that you’re shaking, it demonstrates that you think you’re better than him or her.

How wet or dry your hand is signals either cool confidence or anxiety. Make sure that you hold your drink in the hand that you’re not shaking with. Otherwise, a wet hand is a turn off and communicates that you’re sweaty and nervous. A dry hand shows that you’re relaxed.

Hitting that sweet spot in terms of your handshake’s firmness is also important. You don’t want to come on too strong with a “death grip” or like you’re too weak with the “dead fish” shake. Try your handshake on a friend, and ask whether he or she thinks the firmness level is good.

Remember, a fist bump does not count as a handshake. Aside from not being professional, you’re losing out on making a real connection. When two people shake hands, it releases oxytocin and helps them bond.

The mistake: Forgetting to power gaze

According to some studies, people who maintain eye contact as they’re talking are seen as being more persuasive. When you’re meeting someone, if you avert your gaze while you’re speaking, you lose some power. If you look around the room while someone else is speaking, it shows that you’re disinterested in what he or she has to say.

Instead, make sure you power gaze. Like hand shaking, this creates oxytocin between two individuals and builds their connection faster. When you’re meeting someone for the first time, look them in the eyes and at their forehead. Think of the power gaze as an invisible triangle between the eyes and the forehead. Just don’t avert your gaze down, as that’s more appropriate for social situations.

Networking events are no piece of cake. But by preparing yourself, and being mindful of your body language, you can make contacts and build your career, one connection at a time.

Want to learn more about body language and how it can help you succeed? Then tune into my CreativeLive classes here.



The Creative Entrepreneur

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