All good things must come to an end

“We must learn what customers really want, not what they say they want or what we think they should want.”
–Eric Ries

Way before taking Creative Founder, even prior to registering for the class, I remember a distinct conversation I had with Christina during our final check-in during story class. I remember asking her if she thought I had what it took to complete the class. She believed I had the work ethic, at the same time, she was very honest about what I should expect and told me the pros and cons of either taking it senior year with thesis or taking it as a junior with less experience and fewer skills. She warned me about the blog posts and all the writing that would be required. I knew this would be a struggle for me being dyslexic. Writing is certainly not my strong suit, but something I wholly enjoy doing. After that memorable conversation sitting on the stairs of the graduate center building on a hot day in March, I knew that somehow I had to find a way to take it. Little did I know it would be Christina’s last semester at CCA. With that in mind, Christina warned me that the seniors would get priority and I might not even be able to get into the class, and there was usually a waitlist. But I, not one for being told it cant be done, knew I had to give it at least a try. As registration approached and finally came at first I didn’t get the class, it had already filled up. But to give up only on the first attempt seemed futile. One day later in the semester while I sat in Systems I overheard someone mentioned that they thought they had seen a seat open up. So I quickly opened my laptop as did most everyone else in the class did and somehow got the final seat. I was both shocked and perplexed when the registration claimed to be successful how could that be, why me I asked myself?It almost seemed to be too strange to not be some form of destiny. It almost seemed the world just wanted me to take it and willed it to happen.

Before taking Creative Founder or really before taking Design Research, my approach to coming up with ideas were for the most part just what I thought might be compelling design solutions to problems I observed in the world. But it never really came directly from talking to people, identifying there needs and challenges, then designing a creative solution to address the common issues, people, where facing. After taking Design Research and ultimately Creative Founder I finally realized that without proper research and recognizing a real need people have, most of my designs up to that point had been solely based on what I thought the world needed to be a better place and did not come from observations and talking to people who were experiencing them. After completing Design Research and now much more so after taking Creative Founder, I finally feel I understand what it means to be a human-centered designer. It’s not about what you and your ego think is best for the world and humanity, it’s about understanding peoples problems and then using your creative approach to addressing them. This realization has been one of the most profound learnings I have had throughout my time at CCA, and craft comes with time, execution comes with time. But learning to talk to people and being able to see where their pain is coming from that is something as a designer you only get good at by doing repeatedly. Walking up to strangers and having the ability to allow them to share a priceless moment with you about sometime that sucks in their life is so profound to me, It is far more meaningful then pushing pixels around a page, I believe it is in those moments when real genius and genuine empathy emerges. Ultimately this is why I have chosen to continue to study interaction design, to seek out those moments. For far too long designers and engineers have had the belief they know whats best for the world and everyone else doesn’t. But look where that has gotten us, look at how many ideas fall short continually. There is a reason so many businesses fail; there is a reason we continue to create products that only serve the select few but fail to pay any attention to those who need help the most. Why does this vicious cycle continue to perpetuate modern society? How do we change it? Well, I believe it starts with people creating businesses and ideas that, before they waste everyone’s time and money, they first talk to people, identify a need, validate their assumptions and then and only then even consider building something. The building part is never the hard part creating a product that meets peoples needs is where it’s at! That is ultimately what Creative Founder has taught me, and this approach to design will continue to influence everything I do going forward.
Creative Founder has definitely increased my ability to work with people from entirely different walks of life, and present work weekly. One of the other incredibly profound things I have come to learn how to do much better is to write.This is such an essential skill because it allows for better communication, learning to do new things is never easy there will always be growing pains. But without struggle there can never be a success, that is the nature of life.

Once as a group and you all are behind an idea, only then do the other things like presenting and group dynamics naturally seem to fall into place for the most part. But even when the team is behind an idea, and you know you’re solving a real need people have, and you are all passionate about it, working with people and learning to adapt to there different working styles can be and is extremely difficult. How you deal with and learn to play to their strengths as well as your own was one of the other incredibly powerful learnings I had during the semester. I believe, in any scenario, learning to work well with others is the first step towards being the best possible designer you can be. Without a good team and a shared vision genuinely tremendous and impactful products are never actualized. Upon completing Creative Founder it would be foolish to say it was easy, the reality was it was anything but “easy.” It was incredibly challenging merely willing your self to wake up every Saturday morning in the early hours of the day after a long week of school to go and talk to strangers about a product that did not exist yet was an adventure of its own! But like they say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. I think in retrospect I learned more about myself and my limits in Creative Founder far more then any other class I have taken at CCA thus far.

