Catching Up (Revenue Model)

This week was a very clear catching up week for us.

Instead of focusing all our attention on revenue model, which is the big theme of the week, we instead concentrated our main effort into getting right something we had missed to begin with — acquisition.

So we took the rational route, we started work on a landing page, and tightened up our value proposition along the way to make it as clear as possible to our visitors what it is exactly we are offering. Concurrently we also built up an Instagram profile, positing images of beautiful furniture pieces in the hope of attracting potential buyers and getting their attention.

One like, two followers, three unique visitors

But no email sign ups.

After our presentation and much discussions, we realised that the problem is that the top level of our funnel is not wide enough, and that having Instagram as the only source of potential visitors is not enough considering that the general conversion rate at the end of the funnel is usually no more than a few percentage those who entered the funnel.

So our next step will be to expand our number of sources, widening our reach. All the while catching up to all the new things we are learning every week.

