Cost & other upd8s from pl8s

Pl8s has been stuck in a (building)block in terms of testing revenue model, and getting out to get user feedback. We posted flyers around target areas such as neighborhoods in the Mission, SoMa, Potrero Hill, and around Whole Foods and Caltrain (Christina, you might see them on your way to CCA)

Flyer in front of Potrero Hill Community Garden

The Potrero Hill Community Garden, according to Potrero neighbors, is an evacuation meet-up spot for residents in the area, and they have a tight-knit community that already do what BuildingBlocks are trying to help SF neighbors do, such as having neighbor communication plans. Out of the people we’ve talked to, quite a few of the star neighbors were in the Potrero Hill area.

So, cost:

What we presented on Monday, Nov 21

Our CFO Henry did research for us in the areas of costs of web hosting, engineer, etc. but after hearing Designer to Designer’s presentation on Monday I realized that we should look into marketing and advertising costs in more detail. We also calculated each individual member’s costs (how much $ we need x 1.6 or so) which Noam our CTO had knowledge on and I had no idea about. All our numbers are pretty ambiguous/estimated but it feels nice to have actual numbers; I think I’ve been feeling disconnected to our SOM SAM TAM numbers because they’re so large and hard to imagine, but asking ourselves “how much $ do I need to live?” “how much $ do we need to make to fulfill that?” and doing more detailed calculations made things feel more tangible and real.

Overall there is more work to do, we’re still behind on testing and getting more closer/accurate numbers but I’m enjoying the learning !

