Don’t just roll the Dice — Sketchnotes

Sketchnoting this very very crucial reading (to where we are in the project) about Pricing. From Neil Davidson.

And the all important CHECKLIST

1: What’s your strategy?

2: What is your product?

3: How will your customers judge the fairness of your pricing?

4: Who are your customers? (probably should be 3)

5: Who are your competitors?

6: How are you going to sell your product?

7: Can you segment your customers, and create versioning?

8: How can you bundle your product?

Make an informed guess at your price.




Noam Zomerfeld
The Creative Founder : SpinClass edition [Fall 2019]

Interaction Designer, Tinkerer and Human Wizard. Currently working on the next generation of 3D Printers with 3D Systems. 👋🏼