Exit scenarios

After a year of eating ramen and sleeping on far from ideal mattresses in even more questionable apartments, AlgoWork finally started its journey to becoming a sustainable business. After receiving initial seed funding of 300 thousand dollars and subsequently hiring a Front-end Dev and getting legal counsel. AlgoWork was able to lunch. After becoming so inspired by how grateful students where to finally know what their majors career would truly be like when in school. The team became very passionate. Though they where hardly getting by with 2 of the cofounders spouses threatening to leave them. They finally got some series A funding from Sequoia Capital.

Once AlgoWork had some more realistic funds to work with though they where yet to make any revenue they hired a marketing and sales team who started to close serious deals with colleges and companies throughout the Bay Area. At this point more investors started to take note of their success and the relative lack of competition. AlgoWork then received a massive half a million dollar investment from Japanese venture firm Softbank this was enough for AlgoWork to start to expand to the whole of California and eventually the rest of the US. Forming relationships with top companies in the Valley, San Fransisco and LA. Simultaneously creating strong bonds with schools throughout the state and later the country. 5 years after launch they started to make revenue. They were able to stop receiving venture capital investment and existed as a sustainable private business until the end of time.

The founders continued to work at the company for the next 15 years until they where able to retire comfortably and went on to pursue their own passions and hobbies, traveling when and how they please all the while acting as board members to the company knowing in their heart they where ensuring every college student would graduate with a degree in which they would like the resulting career.

