

To be honest, start up a company seems a really unfamiliar word for me. I never related “Designer” to “Business success”. However, I realize that if you want to be a good designer and your product can be useful for people, then start a company can be one way to prove you are solving the problems they had.

At the beginning of this class, I was a little bit surprised that we will work in a group for 4 months. It is the first time I work with others fro such a long time so I am really worried about the cooperation and trust in our group. But I think I become so confident to say I can be a reliable team member now after this class!

I really enjoyed that I can have the chance to practice presentations every week and watching other group’s presentations really help me to develop my skills. I got so many encourage from my classmate since I am a shy person so it is hard for me to talk loud. Not only my team members helped me to practice for the final pitch, but I also practice hundreds of times so I may not forget it several years later.😎

Interestingly, we spend most of our time interviewing and making iterations of our MVP. All about this class is to study people’s behavior and find a true pain point! I am so glad that these 48 interviews provide me so many useful insights and so many pain points they have. Everything about this class is new for me and I can use my storytelling skills learned in the story class before.
When I go out into the world, I will probably interview more people and solve more problems for them. Hopefully, I can use all the skills I learned from class and develop them further. Or if I have a hard time thinking about solutions, I can ask my creative founder friends for help! That will definitely be fun!
Although every group got so many harsh questions🤭 that make everyone nervous, this is exactly what we will face in the real world! Starting a company is way more difficult than those questions. Maybe our solution and product are not perfect, but we are trying our best to find the real problems for people.

And another long but interesting story is that Team Haxz also got a crisis that they blamed each other and were tired of the long meeting time… Here is a process of why they lose “trust” and how they find it back again:) Thanks to Team week, we are so proud of each other and we become best friends now!

I will definitely recommend this class to everyone I know! We can learn more than professional skills. And it can benefit us not only as becoming a good designer but as a good coworker and a good speaker!
Hope all creative founders get a great holiday! And if shicheng becomes a “real CEO” someday, please let HAXZ work for you.😂

See you guys next year!

