Reflection: 12.3.2018

The end is coming soon…


When I looked back at the progress of our team, I finally felt the difficulty of launching a startup. I’m so unfamiliar with almost every concept in the game. I joined the class from a designer’s perspective to make a practical impact, but building a startup means so much more than that. This course is just a beginning — after almost fifteen weeks, I’ve become a better critic of startups’ concepts and business models (……), but I need much more time to be a good startup founder.

The closer we’re approaching the end, the more pressured I felt as a founder. When I asked myself: what would happen if this is the real pitch?

I couldn’t answer the question. I’ve always taken “treating my design more seriously than student work” a powerful method to motivate myself when I see those gaps, but this time I couldn’t close the gap.

I understand where these frustrations come from, and my job of the last two weeks is to admit it and reconcile with myself: ultimately, it’s just the beginning of my life as a startup founder (potentially in the future.)



Aosheng Ran
The Creative Founder : SpinClass edition [Fall 2019]

SF-based interaction designer @ CCA. I use systems thinking and storytelling to empower individuals and communities.