Reflection 7 Oct.10

What was it like to launch a landing page?


To launch a landing page is the first step we public our product. Because we have two different target users(one for the customer, another one for marketing), so we came up with two landing pages and tested them. I was excited to public them and looking forward to our feedbacks.

What did it feel like to work towards acquisition?

I think we are on the right track on the acquisition. But I believe our result is not correct. We got most of the users from posters and 10% from social media. I think if we bought social media advertising space, we would have more users come from social media.

How confident are you in your team’s work so far?

90% confidence in our team’s work. I think everyone knows their duty and work hard on that. The rest 10% unconfident is my personal feeling because I feel our product still has room for improvement. This is the thing we are going to figure out for the next step.

What did you learn from the previous creative founders?

They look so confident and relax:D I hope I can be like them next year.

They paid enough patience to our questions, and their answers are so specific. For the final pitch, they told us how to assign the work of each member and manage the time. I’m enjoying the conversation.

For the next step, we are going to keep public our landing pages and build our main factors on our application to test them on more users. At the same time, we will continue testing our MVP idea. After we get enough feedback, we are going to move on to improve e our product base on the feedback.

