Reflection: Acquisition experiment part I & alum panel

This week our team launched a landing page explaining how the brand “Glo-Up” eases the mental stress of student athletes. It was quite interesting to see a landing page of our own brand with a real url that we have purchased as a team; however, there were some difficulties with tracking visitors’ data. After spending a week on figuring out how to use google analytics to track data, we were able to view the overview data almost instantly. Working towards the acquisition of our idea really challenged us to think more about if users would purchase the product and if they are, how much are they willing to pay. We are very confident about our users and their pain points; nonetheless, it is quite tough to finalize the MVPs. After hours of discussions, we came to the conclusion that in order for us to make this work we would need to prioritize certain features over another. Having an alumni panel as an asset to reach out to and ask for feedbacks were quite helpful since they were able to share how they have tried to solve the same troubles that we are going through. They were both encouraging and helpful by providing certain tips and tricks to ace on the final pitch day.

