Reflection: Pitch Practice

I thought we did a good job as a team presenting the pitch. For the first time I felt the reality of pitching to an investor. The amount confidence, knowledge and heart founders need just stand up there with uncertainty. My respect for founders is at an all time high. An issue I have when I present is I have a hard time showing excited when talking. This is something I need to work on more for the final pitch. I learned standing up there how important is body language and selling your audience on an idea even before they see any of the slides. For next steps as a team we have to work out some minor holes in the presentation for next Tuesday.

The pitch

Our pitch was strong besides the how we showed the demo. I think we did a good job of showing the problem and impact but the demo fell short on specific value. My weaknesses are in showing more emotion when I present. Being enthusiastic and excited about what I’m talking about. I want to address the market sizing better and improve my tone and body language for the final.

