Reflection post about a week [Proto-pitches and general progress]

What was it like to put everything you’ve done together?

I have to say that it was very rewarding to see the results of working together with my teammates and to see that we had spent countless hours summing up the results. In particular, I have realized the importance of a team. An excellent team working together can put their heads together and get the best solution if they have different thinking levels and directions. A person met a problem even contemplate ultimately difficult to a relatively satisfied with the answer, but if a group of people think about a problem effect certainly is not the same, especially is a few people give different opinions about a problem and solving method, and then the idea of comprehensive all finally concluded a most satisfactory solution, and in the process of the individual learning into things a lot and more effective communication can reduce the distance between each other, more can increase the cohesion of the team.

What areas of your business still need work?

I think our value proposition, MVP experiments, Customer Aquisition and Persona still need to work more.

How did your idea for your business change? Why?

At the beginning of this work, I always wanted to make something that what users want to see, for example, users want an app that has no app. Although this idea was also in work, I changed my perspective. I will think more about how to make the company money while keeping the users happy. When I make every decision, I will think about whether I can make money.

What’s your role on the team?


What does your funnel look like?

Awareness of our product(Social media, email, etc)>Go to our landing page >have more information>Feel interesting and subscribe for more further information

What are you planning for your acquisition experiment?

In the next couple of days, I will put the poster which has the QR code of our landing page for the customer in different places. We already made a list of different restaurants in San Francisco to send the invitation of the landing page, I am going to make an advertising email for recruiting different restaurants. In the meantime, I made a business email for our company so we can look more professional.

