Reflection: Proto-pitches and general progress

This week, our team made a Wix website as a low fidelity prototype for student-athletes with mental stress. It was interesting to test our first test “product” to the participants that we recruited for diary studies. We were both nervous and excited about the result of the experiment. Our business canvas model is still on progress but almost done; however, our minimal viable product is changing quite a lot every week. Testings after testings, we are realizing attractive viewpoints and valuable feedbacks so naturally, we are switching up the gears weekly according to new necessary adjustment.

Furthermore, we decided on each formal role for us to focus on a specific area that would benefit the team in the long run. Since I was interested in marketing and branding, Chief Marketing Officer naturally became my role.

Our next step is to finalize our new MVP and BMC so that we could test the product by building a landing page.

