Weclub — Exit Story — IPO Scenario
After 6 months of our club-searching app — Weclub, has launched to the partier, we have been very stable with our initial funds. The profit we have made is better than what we had expected too. Therefore, we want to continuously run this startup company as one of the first products that provides people a fun and easy experience when they go out. One of the reasons why our startup company has been doing is because our fantastic team. Without all these hardworking teammates, our company Weclub would not exsit. That’s why we proceeded our first catalyst action — going public, which also means IPO.
We have three main reasons to take our company’s finance and states a bit further; to retain and possibly recruit more excellent employees by offering stocks as bonus and to keep them motivated; to expose our company to more and bigger capitals and investors worldwide; last but not least, to increase our company’s value since we have been having a good growth on our business.
In order to achieve initial public offering, we, as a team, hired a investment bank — Merrill Lynch, to take us to further step and negotiate with the deal. In this meeting, we are planning to discuss about how much money we will raise; different types of securities that needed to be issued; and scrutinizing all the details on the underwriting agreement. Hopefully, our company we will reach our next goals with this important decision.