What to fix

“What to fix in your start up” is a tricky question. As a very naive startup, not only does the short life of our company leave so many variables that need tending, but we are learning as we go. I guess all start ups are a learn-as-you-go scenario, but I doubt people commit to them without any knowledge (unless you base your start up on a cool idea, in which case it will fail). What I hope to fix from Buildingblocks is the platform itself. I want to make the feature list tangible so that testing with users can have some context to the thing we’re trying to explain. Sara and I made a detailed list of features, but it needs to be a priority to turn them to screens. When we interviewed Gary, the NERT supervisor for North Beach, he listened to our idea and then said, “this is all wonderful, but it still doesn’t solve the problem of getting people involved.” Despite having everything accessible and easy to use, it doesn’t solve our initial problem. I want my team to consider that as we move forward with the company, and the creation of the feature list.

