Business Coach Heaven Griffin Shares Her Work And Motherhood Story

Pratiksha Kumar
The Creative Inc.
Published in
6 min readMar 2, 2021

Heaven Griffin is a Business Coach who helps heart-centered, service-based entrepreneurs attract sales to work from anywhere and create an impact with their work. She primarily serves coaches, healers, mentors, and consultants who want to scale their online business while selling their programs and offers consistently & soulfully.

As a new stay-at-home mom at 21 years old, she launched her coaching business 2 weeks postpartum to create the life she desired. Through the months of healing through postpartum depression with a lot of mindsets & personal development work, and the years of launching private & group coaching programs, masterminds, courses, and retreats, she has learned what truly works to build a business while creating the lifestyle her clients desire.

By the age of 24, she created a 6-figure business, brought her husband home full time from active duty military, and is now a mom of 2, with another on the way. Through her method of soul, strategy, and sales, she believes it’s possible to build a sustainable online service business.”

Being a mother of two children at a young age. How do you manage your work and motherhood?

Before I was able to bring my husband home full time, we were a military family. There were many times when I was filling both parent roles when he was away, while still trying to build a business.

For the first 3 years of my business, I worked best when my babies were sleeping. That meant I was waking up earlier, working during nap times, and also working after bedtime. I’d also work throughout the day when possible, so I focused on being flexible to my kids’ daily schedules. I was also a student during those times, focusing on my Bachelor of Business Administration and Master of Business Administration, so prioritizing my deadlines and practicing flexibility were both essential.

Every single day, I had the most important non-negotiable tasks and goals to accomplish. I wouldn’t fill up my schedule to point of feeling impossible or overwhelming. The keyword that I believe helped me manage work and motherhood is “flow.” I was simply taking it day by day and trusting the process as I worked on it. I let go of the control to have my schedule work out perfectly, and I focused on getting my work done as I could. Now, I do have more support with my husband home full time, but I know there are so many moms out there who needed to hear that.

What are some of your best-used methods when it comes to helping your clients to expand their vision?

With many of my clients, we do look at the bigger picture and the lifestyle they want to create through their businesses. My clients can easily come to me with an income goal in mind, but what I want to know most is what achieving this goal would allow them to have. I dive deep into “why” my clients want the goal, so they can imagine what’s possible for them at any point in their journey. For example, I wanted to create a 6-figure business. That was the goal. Although what allowed me to envision it being possible is getting clearer on what that would allow me to have. It looked like bringing my husband home full time, supporting my family, and having my family together as our kids grow up. That was the “why.”

The methods I use to accomplish this for myself and my clients vary between different successful coaching and neuro-linguistic programming techniques since every client responds differently when it comes to goal setting and envisioning their big pictures. With my clients, we make the bigger picture something they can embody through their messaging, content, and visibility. This means they’re showing up as the person who knows they are worthy of having those dreams and that lifestyle.

Although a vision without actually having a plan to implement can simply be just that — a vision. Together, my clients and I break down the process of actually being able to achieve the goals they’re imagining. This is done through the soul, strategy, and sales processes that we work on in my programs.

As a young mother there comes a point when you feel low and drained? How do you overcome such a scenario?

At the start of my journey as a replacement mom, I ultimately need to some extent to battle postpartum depression for five months before actually admitting what I used to be experiencing to others. I was constantly drained trying to show that I was happy on the outside, but I was always hiding my thoughts, feelings, and struggles from those who cared for me. I decided I was only hurting myself to try to overcome it all alone. That’s when I gave myself permission to simply ask for help and support from those who I knew would understand. At such a coffee point in my life, it made me realize that my mental, physical, and spiritual health were so important in being able to show up fully and authentically as a mom and a leader in my space.

I’ve discovered that whenever I do feel low and drained, it is a priority for me to take care of myself to take care of my babies. Whether it’s meditating, journaling, learning, or any other practice that fuels me up, I permit myself to slow down and take a break.

I’ve become so aware that I am the comfort and safety my kids want and need, and I do my best to be present with them. When I complete any practice that changes my internal state, it allows me to shift my mindset and energy at that moment to still be the mom my kids need and look up to.

What services do you offer as a wealth and business coach?

My programs are based on where my clients are at in their journey. I attract amazing clients at different levels, whether it’s starting with their first program launch, building out their program suite to create consistent income with different offers, and scaling their business to reach a certain income goal. That’s why I’ve fallen in love with the programs I create to serve different clients. I offer 1:1 private coaching, which varies from one-time intensive sessions to different long-term packages together. I also offer group programs and courses that focus on launching and selling programs soulfully, strategically, and sustainably. These are my main programs, but I have launched many offers that I felt called to create to serve my audience at different points in their journey.

Where can our audience get connected to you and find your work?

My website is and I would love to connect beyond this article (@heavengriffin_) on Instagram.

