Courtney Dawson On Healing Lives Through Spiritual Mediumship & Success of The Connected Spirit School

Surabhi Verma
The Creative Inc.
Published in
10 min readSep 25, 2023

Our readers love reading stories of powerful women creating a conscious change on the planet. Please tell us about yourself and the incredible work you do.

I’m an evidential psychic medium, mentor and ordained spiritualist minister. My connection with the spirit world started when I was just three years old, but it took until my early thirties for me to seriously dive into developing my mediumship skills.

Honestly, it wasn’t an easy journey. I had a lot of fears and doubts, especially because of my religious upbringing, which told me that connecting with spirits was a no-no. Luckily, I found support, mentorship, and training at a local spiritualist church. Over time, I’ve been lucky to learn from some incredible mentors from all over the world.

I’ve had training in the UK at the prestigious Arthur Findlay College in Stansted, England, and I’ve also learned a lot from local mediums. There was a point when I was still working a full-time job and doing readings on evenings and weekends when my spirit guides basically told me, “Courtney, it’s time to go all in, start working with the public, create a website, and offer your services.” I was nervous at first, but I trusted my spirit team and felt deep down that this was the right path. I wanted to empower, inspire, and provide comfort by letting people know that life goes on beyond the physical and death is just a transition.

With that vote of confidence from the spirit world, I fully embraced my calling. I took the leap and launched a website, and, to my surprise I had two clients book sessions right away. I offer different types of readings, like psychic readings to help people connect with their inner selves and receive insight, clarity and guidance about their path and mediumship readings where I serve as a bridge between this world and the next.

In mediumship readings, I help people looking for comfort and guidance, especially those dealing with grief, by providing evidence that their loved ones’ souls are still around. I work with the spirit world to bring through information that can’t be explained by logic. This evidence validates who the spirit is, how they’re connected to the person receiving the message, and what messages they want to share.

I’m constantly amazed by the information the spirit world brings forward — info that I couldn’t possibly know otherwise. Bringing these messages of guidance, support, and comfort to people who’ve lost loved ones is incredibly rewarding.

I genuinely believe that everyone can benefit from mediumship. At some point, we will all experience the loss of someone we care about, whether it’s a family member, friend, partner, coworker, or even a pet. Mediumship bridges the gap between our world and the afterlife, reassuring us that our loved ones are still with us in spirit.

This understanding can change how we navigate grief and inspire us to live life to the fullest. When we realize that our souls are eternal and nothing can really harm us, we can let go of our fears and doubts, step out of our comfort zones, and embrace the magic, beauty, and wonder of life.

I’m incredibly grateful every time I get to work one-on-one with a client, whether it’s a psychic reading, intuitive guidance, or a mediumship session. My goal is to bring clarity, healing, and growth to those seeking spiritual guidance.

What was the initial idea behind setting up The Connected Spirit School? How did it all start?

When I decided to establish the Connected Spirit School, it was actually a suggestion from my spirit guides. After teaching for about seven years and conducting various workshops, I noticed a significant increase in the number of people seeking more than just occasional classes or one-off workshops. These individuals were looking for ongoing training and mentorship.

So, I sat down with my spirit guides and had a heartfelt conversation about how we could best meet the needs of these individuals who were being drawn to my guidance. During this reflection, I looked back to my early days as a psychic medium and realized there were some crucial elements that people require when unfolding their mediumship abilities. The biggest among them was a sense of community.

My goal was to create a safe and inclusive environment where people from diverse backgrounds and walks of life could come together and share their experiences openly. Many of us with psychic and mediumistic abilities often feel nervous and hesitant to discuss these topics with our family, friends, and coworkers due to the lingering stigma associated with them. With the inception of the Connected Spirit School, I aimed to normalize these conversations and foster open dialogue.

As a result, we’ve welcomed individuals from all corners of the world who gather to explore mediumship and the spirit world. Some are seeking to connect with their loved ones on the other side for personal healing rather than pursuing a professional path as a reader or medium. We also have participants who have had encounters with the unseen world or have had psychic experiences from a young age or during critical life events.

There are those who have had near-death experiences and seek to understand what they witnessed during and after those moments. Additionally, some individuals turn to us after enduring significant trauma, which often acts as a catalyst for their spiritual awakening.

At the Connected Spirit School, we embrace people from various backgrounds and experiences, offering them a loving, supportive, and fun environment where they can explore and develop their natural intuition. We believe that everyone possesses innate psychic abilities, and our aim is to help individuals tap into these abilities to make better life choices, understand their spiritual gifts, and use them for personal growth and to assist others.

At its core, the Connected Spirit School is all about creating a safe and supportive community where individuals can explore their spiritual side. It’s a place to discover more about yourself, tap into your spiritual potential, and feel empowered in the decisions you make. And what makes it even more special is that you’ll have seasoned mentors who’ve been on similar journeys guiding you along the way.

Your services are sought after by many renowned clients. What services are you currently offering to the world?

I provide a range of services, with my most sought-after being mediumship readings. During a mediumship reading, I connect to the spirit world and convey messages from your loved ones, who could be family members, coworkers, friends, or even beloved pets. My approach involves presenting evidence that validates the identity of the communicator, their connection to you, and then relaying memories and shared experiences, along with any messages they wish to share.

Additionally, I offer psychic readings where I tap into your soul’s energy through the auric field, allowing me to glean information about your past, present, and potential future. I don’t engage in predictions because I believe they can be limiting. Instead, I focus on tuning into your energy and presenting potential outcomes. In a psychic reading, you’ll receive suggestions, insights, and guidance to consider. The choices you make in response to this guidance can alter your path and shape your future. My goal in psychic readings is to provide clients with information so they can feel empowered about the decisions they make for themselves, and remind them that no ones has anymore power over their life than they do, and that they are in control of their life.

I also offer intuitive card readings, including tarot and Oracle card readings. These are engaging ways to tap into your psychic energy, providing clarity and insights about yourself and others involved in your life. These readings can reveal aspects of your energy and circumstances that you may not be consciously aware of, and they aim to empower you in your life choices.

Furthermore, I provide mentorship sessions for individuals with psychic or mediumistic abilities who want to understand and harness their gifts. Whether you want to use your abilities for personal readings, for your family and friends, or even aspire to become a professional practitioner, I offer guidance and support tailored to your specific needs.

Ultimately, my readings are designed to meet the unique needs of each client, providing them with the insight and empowerment they seek.

We are sure your clients must have hugely benefited from your services. Would you like to share your client’s success stories with our readers?

I once had a client who approached me in search of answers following the unexpected loss of a family member. During our session, the spirit communicator provided precise and verifiable details about their identity and crucial information related to an ongoing police inquiry, which I had no prior awareness of. This revelation not only brought solace to the grieving family but also offered invaluable assistance to law enforcement in their investigation.

I had a client who came to me for a mediumship session with me, and during the session, their spouse came through with specificity, offering accurate details to confirm their identity. The spirit shared a profound message, revealing that they had intervened in a life-threatening moment just two days prior and shared intimate details of that incident, information I could not possibly have known. My client verified the accuracy of this information, and hearing this message from their spouse reaffirmed the presence of their loved one in the spirit realm. It ignited a newfound desire to live, replacing thoughts of despair with hope. I continued to offer support to guide them on their path towards healing and renewal.

2024 is just around the corner. We would love to know your thoughts regarding your business expansion in the coming year. Enlighten us with your vision.

In 2024, a year of remarkable expansion and growth awaits both myself, the Connected Spirit School, and the Connected Spirit Podcast.

We will introduce new opportunities for individuals to join me on their mediumship development journey, where I will serve as their mentor. Our carefully curated courses aim to establish a strong foundation in mediumship, covering philosophy, mechanics, and personal spiritual growth. Our holistic approach will address both the physical and spiritual needs of our students.

I’m excited to be hosting more in-person events, including live demonstrations of mediumship.

As for the Connected Spirit Podcast, get ready for an exhilarating lineup of guests in the coming year. Our conversations will shatter the conventional boundaries of spirituality, offering an unfiltered, honest, and transparent exploration of the world of mediumship and spirituality. No sugar-coating, just unvarnished truth and insight.

What advice would you give to someone looking forward to establishing their business in the area of spiritual coaching/ mentorship?

Before diving into the realm of creating a spiritually based business, it’s crucial to start by connecting with your “why.” Ask yourself, why do you want to embark on this journey? Is it solely to accumulate wealth, or is it rooted in a deep desire to serve others and elevate the collective consciousness of humanity? Anchoring yourself in your “why” is vital because, like any entrepreneurial venture, you’ll encounter highs, lows, and unexpected obstacles along the way. This is especially true for those working in the intuitive arts, such as mediumship and psychic abilities, as this path often involves significant personal development and inner healing alongside spiritual growth.

Your commitment to your “why” will profoundly impact the quality of the services you provide. If you’re not fully invested and doing the necessary inner work, it can affect your ability to support others effectively.

Having grand dreams for your spiritually based business is fantastic, but it’s advisable to start modestly and gradually build upon your foundation. Begin by creating a website and reaching out to your circle of family, friends, and co-workers. Don’t hesitate to ask people you know for referrals; word-of-mouth recommendations can be powerful. If you’re struggling to find clients, consider connecting with local spiritualist churches and becoming involved in their activities. Networking with like-minded individuals in these communities can help you gain exposure and experience.

Running a spiritually based business involves more than just offering readings, sessions, and mentorship. It requires a strong understanding of business principles. Consider hiring a business coach who specializes in this field to receive tailored guidance and education. What works for one person may not work for another, so having customized support can be invaluable.

I’m currently offering a certification program called “The Professional Medium.” In this program, I guide individuals through the process of honing their abilities so they can confidently work with the public. Additionally, I share my favorite business tools and provide step-by-step instructions on how to create a thriving business while being abundantly compensated for your spiritual gifts. If you’re interested in learning more, feel free to reach out.

Where can our readers find your work? How can they connect with you?

Connecting with me is easy through various channels. I’m highly engaged on social media, specifically Instagram and Facebook. Additionally, you can tune in to the Connected Spirit Podcast, accessible on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. For detailed information about my services, such as one-on-one sessions, online classes, and events, you can visit my Website, Instagram, Facebook & LinkTree.

