Danielle Lanteri On Healing Lives Through Energy Medicine & Holistic Mental Health Counselling

Surabhi Verma
The Creative Inc.
Published in
9 min readApr 19, 2024

Our readers love reading stories of powerful women creating a conscious change on the planet. Please tell us about yourself and the incredible work you do.

I am just like you, a soul on this planet learning, growing, falling, and getting back up stronger.

I struggled with mental health imbalances such as anxiety, low self-esteem, disordered eating, and perfectionism in my youth. And it was through the desperate search to find tools and modalities to heal me, that I discovered the intuitive blending of both psychology and energy medicine.

In short, I went through the trenches and came out on the other side stronger — and with evidence-based techniques that actually work.

Being a driven Capricorn, I’ve immersed myself in both realms of study. I earned a B.A. in Psychology, obtained a Wellness Counseling certification from Cornell University, and completed multiple Integrated Therapeutic Alignment (ITA) Energy Medicine certifications. I’ve also dedicated years to learning Mahat meditation and am currently pursuing my MSEd in Clinical Mental Health Counseling.

Throughout it all, I am driven by a singular mission: to learn how I can help people heal mentally, emotionally, and energetically on an individual level, which I believe will over time help heal the collective as a whole.

I aim to utilize both Western and Eastern healing modalities to bridge the gap between both worlds, blending ancient wisdom with modern techniques. Through this fusion, my goal is to assist others in awakening to the power they hold within themselves to heal the root causes of their offsets and misalignments.

As a Holistic Mental Health Practitioner, I help my clients heal from a wide variety of mental and emotional imbalances, rewire their subconscious minds, transform their mindsets, and learn the tangible tools to make these changes stick!

​And this work lights up my soul every single day.

What was the initial idea behind setting up your business in the Holistic Mental Health niche? How did it all start?

This path chose me in a lot of ways. My freshman year of college I was studying journalism at New York University with the dream of changing the world through my words. That year also happened to be my breakdown before the breakthrough. All the maladaptive coping skills I accumulated from my youth guided me to a precipice.

I found myself at rock bottom and knew I needed to pull out all the stops to get better mentally and physically.

I started seeing a psychologist for therapy weekly but felt like something was missing. That is when I discovered ITA Energy Medicine. It fell into my life exactly when I needed it.

After just a few energy alignments, I started to FEEL different in my mind and body. I felt more present and in control of my emotions, and my triggers became far and few between.

I also used my therapy space to process all the energetic shifts that were happening quite rapidly. My therapist created an environment where I felt held, supported, and never judged as I unlearned maladaptive behavior and went on the journey of rediscovering my true self.

Before I knew it, a year had passed, and I felt like a completely different version of myself. I would be lying if I said I never got anxious or offset again because I did (and still do). But it was no longer all-consuming and negatively impacting my life and relationships. It was a “normal” level of anxiety, and I was confident I had the skills and tools to manage it with grace and ease.

The most remarkable part of my journey was my complete recovery from anorexia. It’s considered the deadliest mental illness, with many experts doubting the possibility of 100% healing. But I am here to tell you, IT IS POSSIBLE!

Reflecting on my journey with an eating disorder feels like revisiting a surreal dream. It’s as if another version of myself endured it all. Today, I am free from any disordered thoughts or symptoms, enjoying 4 years of full recovery. I can still imagine the version of myself who felt stuck in limiting beliefs and unhealthy patterns, and I have so much gratitude for her commitment to this work.

Like everyone else, my story is a long one, full of epiphanies, synchronicities, and divine timing. In essence, I have witnessed firsthand the power of using both traditional therapy and energy work to heal from mental health imbalances. So that’s why I became a Holistic Mental Health Practitioner. I now incorporate the same modalities I used to heal to help others transform on a mental, emotional, physical, and energetic level to receive long-lasting results.

Your services are sought after by many renowned clients. What services are you currently offering to the world?

I do not believe in a one-size-fits-all approach, so I currently offer 3 different types of 1:1 sessions that I tweak and adapt depending on my client’s unique story and needs. They are offered both online and in person.

Holistic Wellness Counseling: These sessions are structured like traditional talk therapy, but go so much deeper. Together my clients and I get to the root cause of their offsets to equip them with the tangible tools necessary to not just survive but thrive through this human experience. I aim to cultivate a space of respect, non-judgment, and acceptance that empowers my clients as they navigate everyday life stressors, process deeply rooted emotions, heal from offsets, and align with their authentic selves. So emphasis is placed on working as a team to discover underlying causes and set realistic, attainable goals for self-development.

ITA Energy Medicine Alignments: Since everything happens energetically first, then expresses itself in the physical, mental, and emotional bodies, ITA can clear the energetic root cause of imbalances to instill alignment. By utilizing ITA charts, chi, energy alignments, acupressure, and etheric movements, ITA balances and aligns an individual’s energy, releasing the dominance of the subconscious mind and restoring a balanced flow of energy through the person’s entire system. Sessions are an intense 90 minutes of half-talk therapy and half-energy alignment.

Equine-Assisted Counseling: In this program, counseling is provided on a peaceful horse ranch, emphasizing the bond with horses and various nature-based techniques. Sessions consist of grooming, feeding, and leading the horse, along with mindfulness-based interventions and nervous system regulation. It is SO helpful for people who find sitting in a therapy office extremely uncomfortable and prefer to be outside moving their body.

Something I greatly value about my practice is my offering of consistent home care. After every session, I send a detailed email outlining techniques such as breathwork, meditations, boundary-setting goals, or mindfulness practices tailored specifically to my client’s unique needs. This is designed to help them go deeper in their healing even in the days between sessions, and it is an empowering offering that ignites long-lasting and deep transformation.

Additionally, I have been running a podcast called The Stars Are Calling You since 2021 where I explore topics around self-development, spirituality, energy work, and psychology. Every episode is like a shot of espresso, waking you up and inspiring you to go deeper on your healing journey.

On my website is also a library of free and low-cost resources crafted with the same methodology and framework I use in sessions to make this work accessible to all.

We are sure your clients must have hugely benefited from your services. Would you like to share your client’s success stories with our readers?

Out of respect for my clients’ stories and privacy, I will offer an overview of one of my client’s transformations using their own words from the testimonial they shared.

This beautiful soul has been working with me for over a year now, and the growth I have seen within her mind, emotions, energy, relationships, and self-esteem are both humbling and inspiring.

Here is her beautiful reflection on our work together:

“I mean every word of this review wholeheartedly… Danielle has changed my life for the better. I was nervous to begin working with her because I didn’t know much about ITA, and since I don’t live in Long Island, I was hesitant to book over Zoom. I wasn’t sure if it would work for me. Now, in retrospect, I thank GOD I was willing to try.

Danielle is the most intuitive, understanding, and genuine person I know. She has a quality about her that makes for instant comfort. I feel like I can tell her anything, and I know that she truly cares for me.

Our alignments have accelerated and pivoted the course of my healing journey in a manner I did not think was possible. I started seeing Danielle once a week. Since then, we have delved into the deepest stores of trauma/trapped energy in my body — some of which I didn’t even fully understand the complexity — and have begun working them out of my system.

I’ve undergone a lot of catharsis. Working with her takes dedication, though it was necessary for my growth. I feel like I am finally the version of myself I have aspired to be all my life.

Before seeing Danielle, there was a point where I felt like the intensity of my experiences was too great to overcome. Now I know they no longer define me, and I really owe it to her — she has helped me see the light of my highest potential.

If you are looking to tap into your most divine self, book a session with this woman and I can promise you won’t regret it.”

You can explore more client success stories here!

We would love to know your thoughts regarding your business expansion this year. Enlighten us with your 2024 vision.

This year I plan to continue growing my Holistic Mental Health practice and giving my all to every single client I connect with.

I value the therapeutic relationship I create with my clients more than any other aspect of my business, so in 2024 my goal is to focus on fueling those relationships and being the best counselor and energy medicine practitioner I can be.

On a more personal note, I plan on working rigorously on my masters program in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, so I can get additional licensure to help more people.

Later in the year, I plan on creating group programs, online workshops, and communities to foster deeper connections within this space. I also plan to continue writing my book and offering my insights during speaking engagements.

What advice would you give someone looking forward to establishing themselves as a holistic mental health practitioner?

My advice would be to never stop learning, especially from your own life experiences. Being a human is the greatest schooling of all, so by keeping your curious mind activated at all times, you are able to intuitively integrate the many lessons meant for your soul in this lifetime.

I also recommend exploring the many healing modalities available to you to see which ones resonate the most and then get the proper qualifications to serve others through those methods.

Most importantly, have a strong mission and unwavering faith in your ability to do good in this world. You are worthy of your dream career, and you are capable of making it happen.

Where can our readers find your work? How can they connect with you?

You can find me online at the links below. I am the most active on Instagram, but my website is where you can find an in-depth description of my services and inquire about working together. You can also shoot me an email on (danielleleighlanteri@gmail.com) to ask any question or open a conversation; I love to chat with like-minded souls!

Find me here — Website, Instagram, Spotify Podcast

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