Delphine Rose On Sacred Living & Healing Women Worldwide Through Divine Feminine Embodiment Mentorship

Surabhi Verma
The Creative Inc.
Published in
11 min readJul 29, 2024

Our readers are inspired by stories of powerful women creating a conscious change on the planet. Please share with us about yourself and the incredible work you do.

Let me start with one of my favorite quotes:

“And the time came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom,” Anais Nin.

This quote speaks right to the heart of the Divine Feminine, which is at the core of my journey and sacred calling. I love it so much because it uses the flower as a metaphor to evoke the journey of becoming all that we are and all that we came here to experience in this human journey.

Flowers, especially the rose, are symbols of sacred feminine wisdom.

I have called my healing practice and sacred space Delphine Rose, and for that reason, it is a symbol of what I intend to offer the world.

I am Delphine, a homeopath, Divine Feminine healer, channel, and priestess. I wear many hats, having been called a seer, an oracle, a medicine woman, a mentor, an alchemist, a coach, and a soul guide, amongst many other names.

While I am a multi-passionate, highly sensitive, and creative woman, I have always been obsessed with healing and spirituality.

My spiritual lineage comes from the Divine Feminine, linked to great enlightened beings such as the Bodhisattva Kuan Yin. I choose to serve love, bringing compassion and mercy to the center of my work.

I help amazing humans to elevate their lives, to heal and nourish themselves deeply, reconnecting to their own sources of inner power so that they can share their unique gifts with the world.

We live in amazing times when the elevation in human consciousness is rapidly evolving. More than ever, we need sacred space holders to help the new world visionaries emerge. However, to become architects of a new world, a significant amount of healing needs to take place.

So many of us carry ancient trauma, unspeakable grief, and unresolved anger. My sacred work is to help those ready to experience the power, grace, and healing of the Divine Feminine.

As an arhatic yogi, following the teachings of the great soul Master Choa Kok Sui, I believe in cultivating virtues such as loving kindness and non-injury to self or others.

Becoming all we are meant to be and expressing our unique gifts is demanding, so we need efficient and relevant tools and practices to support our journey. We must become adept at self- and soul mastery to become great souls over time.

We have joint responsibility for helping the collective consciousness to rise and for creating the basis for a more united and loving world. Part of my work is, therefore, to encourage each amazing human to experience not only the power of love but to develop their mastery through the fire of initiation that is life.

You have been helping women worldwide with Divine Feminine healing, intuitive guidance, and mentoring. What unique idea led to the creation of your spirituality-based brand? Tell us in detail about your journey as a healer and coach.

As science has made extraordinary discoveries especially in areas such as quantum physics, the world at large is now becoming more and more aware that everything is energy and that we live in a vibratory universe.

Our words, in particular, carry powerful vibrations that are infused with our energy signature. As a divine feminine healer and intuitive channel, I wanted my spirituality based brand to be a vessel for the frequency of Love in a way that is relevant and practical for our current modern world.

Several years ago, I received a powerful priestess transmission from the spirit world, which emphasized that those who were once serving the goddess in temple spaces were now on a mission to help human beings turn towards the most sacred temple of all, which is their own heart.

My unique idea and focus have been to support those ready to elevate their lives and rise from the ashes of the old patriarchal world to find themselves empowered by Love and connected to their own source of power.

I have known this firsthand, as I had to do that journey for myself first. Before I was able to tap into my sacred calling consciously and open my intuitive gifts more fully, I had to go through a number of difficult life initiations.

We often speak of the dark night of the soul when we feel lost and burned out with life or when something traumatic happens to us. In my case, the dark night came in my mid-twenties as I was working for a top financial institution in London.

I had worked incredibly hard academically to achieve what I believed to be my dream and my pathway to becoming a powerful, independent young woman. So when I found myself burned out, and depressed after having to go through a forced termination with an early pregnancy, I had to start digging deep into what truly mattered to my heart and soul.

This was the beginning of my journey as a healer and intuitive. I often refer to this phase as my goddess calling even though, at the time, I could not have articulated that at all. The journey to becoming a divine feminine healer and reclaiming intuitive soul gifts is one of the most challenging because the feminine herself has to rise again in our world.

Many wonderful humans, especially women’s bodies, have come forward to become the torch holders once again of sacred feminine wisdom. As the feminine has been suppressed from our consciousness for millennia, the healing process demands courage to go into our most painful wounds, to find forgiveness and return to Love. What has made me a proficient healer, has been my own journey and commitment to the process. It is also the many hours of practice and loving guidance of incredible teachers.

Your services are sought after by many renowned clients. What products and services are you currently offering to the world?

I am blessed to have worked with clients from all walks of life, from royalty, to top CEOs, fashion designers, creatives, mothers, and young adults working in less visible ways to make extraordinary changes on this planet.

As I understand the pressures of modern living and the different income streams available, I created different access points to working with me. We all need to be able to receive support and healing. Every person who shifts their consciousness helps the entire collective heal.

In particular, I am very excited to launch a new Divine Feminine group offering called REFUGE. This will be a sacred space which will sit at the crossroads of embodied spirituality, evolutionary astrology, holistic wellness and life coaching. This offering was initially birthed as a moon circle which offered intuitive guidance, astrology, channelled Divine Feminine healing. Refuge will add more taoist and tantric practices including qigong and herbs to support our soul journey.

Other ways to work with me include my online courses, such as Magdalene Embodied, for awakening and empowering the feminine, and one-to-one exclusive sessions. My intuitive sessions are in demand by those who seek to cut cords, clear their energy field, and rapidly realign themselves to their highest self-guidance.

My more in-depth packages offer healing, guidance, and coaching for those seeking support on their transformational journey. All my sessions include channelled guidance and energy healing with sacred practices such as Medical Qigong or guided meditations.

We are sure your clients must have hugely benefited from your services. Would you like to share your clients’ success stories with our readers?

Over the years, I have witnessed some beautiful transformations in my clients, which can sometimes be almost immediate but also unfold over time. For me, a success story is seeing someone reclaim their sense of self, find their way back to (self) Love and inner peace, and reignite their sense of purpose. The shift happens energetically first and then in the outer world. Success happens organically when we are in coherence and follow our sacred calling, albeit courageously.

My clients regularly report feeling inspired, lighter, and better in themselves, reconnected to their power. These new states of being are not short-lived because we focused on the deepest root causes of their issues. Their lives, resilience, and spiritual connection are elevated. I have facilitated countless Divine Feminine healings, which have helped women, in particular, break through their inner ceilings and fears of their feminine power.

Often, these have included mother wound healing and witch wound healing or sexual womb healing. I have helped to heal heartbreak and complex relationship patterns. I have had women becoming pregnant when they were about to start a course of IVF.

I have also had so many clients healing from addictions and eating disorders because of a lack of self-love. I have had clients leave corporate jobs to follow their dream lives in entirely different environments.

I was recently invited to join the wedding of two of my younger clients I have supported for several years. Each one, in their own rights, moved from feeling deeply inadequate, hiding and with addiction, to finding self-love, making empowered decisions, and even deciding to get married, sharing the Love of an embodied spiritual path.

Just last year, I facilitated an incredible miracle healing for my sister-in-law, who, at age 37, was struggling to get pregnant. I now have a wonderful new nephew named Sol Delphinus in honor of the magical healing.

I have witnessed and received messages of deep feminine embodiment and liberation in my moon circles. Finally, being a trained shamanic practitioner, I have also worked in helping souls who are transitioning out of their body, delivered messages from across the veil and helped clients to heal from the deep grief of losing a loved one.

We have almost entered August 2024! We would love your thoughts regarding your business expansion for the rest of this year. Enlighten us with your vision.

I am incredibly excited about offering REFUGE as a community sacred space. I am seeking to hold powerful Divine Feminine spaces that are accessible to more women, including LGBQ + trans-women, women of color, and women who have challenging life situations and need affordable spaces where they can be sincerely held, seen, and healed. My vision is to be as inclusive as I can.

I am also really looking forward to expanding the depth of my offerings by including Shamanic energetic medicine, Medical Qigong, Taoist herbal tonics, and nutrition. As I was taught by my mentor, healing takes a village and needs to happen on many different levels. I am also really looking forward to offering in-person retreats again. I facilitated an Avalon healing retreat in New Jersey, US, last year on incredible shamanic land. The women had truly transformational experiences, reconnecting to the feminine. Most of my clients are eagerly anticipating the confirmation of my Magdalene retreat in the South of France, close to the cave of Saint Baume. Finally, I am currently in a writing spiral, starting with Substack and a book on the feminine with powerful channeled guidance and my own embodied wisdom, walking the path of Love.

What advice would you give someone looking forward to establishing a solid foundation as a spiritual coach in terms of personal ascension and client growth?

While it is incredible to see this en-mass awakening on the planet, it is also essential to cultivate discernment when it comes to spirituality and healing. The field is inundated with attractive offers to get clients and earn abundant income rapidly. While most healers and coaches will need to work on their money mindset at some point, the primary focus needs to be elsewhere.

Firstly, I recommend seeking out solid, in-depth training, teachers, and mentors who can help you grow and hone your skills. Even if we are bringing in soul gifts and operating in our zone of genius, doing the hours and gradually becoming more and more experienced in our spiritual art is key.

Attending a single weekend workshop is not going to be enough, even for the most gifted. The capacity to hold sacred space and be a vessel for healing comes from our own inner work and our ability to transform and shift. We do not need to be fully healed, but we do need to be willing to be our first client.

The second place of focus should be tracking down the self-doubt and fears that come with offering our services professionally. Whilst a weekend workshop is not enough, many healers and coaches also keep attending courses and trainings, thinking they are not ready or not good enough to take the leap for themselves.

This is, in part, linked to the wounds of the suppressed feminine, which hold us back from reclaiming our spiritual gifts because of ancient traumas such as the witch wound. Having a mentor or healer who helps you become aware of what is holding you back from sharing your gifts is important. I spent years with my mentors to unravel all the fears that I had to share my gifts as an oracle, seer, and priestess. The degree of trauma we hold can be the degree to which we are meant to be impactful and in service to love.

I regularly offer healings and coachings to women who are already established healers themselves or those who are aspiring to launch their career. My last advice would be to learn to have impeccable self care and to cultivate strong roots. As we know the deeper the roots, the higher the branches can reach.

Where can our readers find your work? How can they connect with you?

I would be delighted to connect with you further. I am always happy to answer emails and discuss how I can be of high service to your soul journey or to co-create and share magic with you. The future is collaborative and compassionate, so please do reach out!

You can find me on, Instagram and Substack.

