Dr. Elizabeth Goldspink discusses how you can be proactive when faced with a positive HPV Test or Abnormal Pap Smear.

Pratiksha Kumar
The Creative Inc.
Published in
3 min readFeb 18, 2021

Our readers love to learn about women helping other women. Please tell us a bit about yourself and your medical expertise.

I graduated from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, where I completed a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine (ND). I have also taken the Mind-Body Medicine program at Harvard University Medical School, where I studied under Dr. Herbert Benson MD, the world leader in mind/body medicine.

I have always had a passion for wellness and helping people be their best selves and I feel blessed that I get to do the kind of work I do on a daily basis. 13 years ago, I started making wellness products, and I founded the brand Papillex which supports individuals respond to HPV symptoms and abnormal pap smear results naturally.

Please shed some light on your training at Harvard on mind-body medicine.

We are faced with so many daily stressors that impact our ability to stay calm and keep our body and mind in a relaxed state. These stressors take a toll on our health. I use the Harvard training to help patients counteract stress and build resiliency in their lives using evidence-based practices that are effective.

It’s a fact that about 80 percent of sexually active people are infected with HPV at some point in their lives and this often is found on a routine pap smear. How did you come to work with this population?

My journey began in 2008 when my best friend was diagnosed with HPV and abnormal cervical cells were found on her routine Pap Smear. What began as CIN 1 quickly progressed and I wanted to help her recover before cervical cancer became a concern. I ran a comprehensive research review and dove deeply into medical databases to find the best available data. I also interviewed medical experts who had extensive experience treating HPV. I then came up with a thorough, evidence-based plan for her. I gave her 10 different natural supplements to take every day. Several months later, her pap smear and cervical cells were restored to normal. She was relieved at this positive turnaround and said to me “why don’t you produce a single natural supplement that has all 10 of the ingredients that you simply gave me to take, to help other women just like me?” That was the day that Papillex was born and since then we have helped thousands of others with similar stories.

What other information can help people interested in how to treat HPV naturally?

Eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables and minimizing the consumption of animal products and saturated fats that impair immunity is important. Smokers should make sure to quit, as smokers exhibit a 200–300% higher incidence of cervical dysplasia from HPV. You should also strengthen your immune system by sleeping 7–8 hours a night, exercising regularly, and reducing stress.

What is next for you?

I will continue to formulate evidence-based health products that help people feel and look their best and will continue to see patients in my private practice. Please connect with me if you’re interested in collaborating. My goal for the next 10 years is to give people the tools and resources that they need to be their healthiest and most vibrant selves.

How can our readers connect with you?

On Instagram personally at @drgoldspink and with the brand @papillex

