Galactic Historian Debbie Solaris On Starseed Healing & Transforming Lives Through Akashic Readings

Surabhi Verma
The Creative Inc.
Published in
12 min readMar 23, 2024

Our readers love reading stories of powerful women creating a conscious change on the planet. Please tell us about yourself and the incredible work you do.

Hello and thank you for inviting me to share my story on this amazing platform! I’m Debbie Solaris: ET contactee, interdimensional traveler, galactic historian, Akashic Records guide, starseed intuitive, teacher, public speaker/figure. Some people also call me a “star ambassador”, although my husband Terry finds that title kind of corny (laughing).

This all started after a fateful extraterrestrial contact experience a few years ago, after which I awakened to my true star lineage and higher calling. I’m also an Akashic Records reader and starseed guide, with a successful Akashic Practice with clients all around the world. Through my unique connection with the Akashic Records, I’ve has been receiving downloads of galactic historical information and universal spiritual knowledge for several years now. I feel that one of my missions while here on Earth is to help awaken others to their own true Divine selves and cosmic origins.

In my work, I usually do presentations on star races and galactic history. However, my story for this article will be more focused on the personal spiritual journey I’ve experienced after the two out-of-body extraterrestrial encounters I’ve had in 2012.

My story is that of the transformation of a very ordinary person who’s had an extraordinary experience. I see myself as being the least likeliest person to have this kind of metaphysical experience. I grew up in a very conservative Roman Catholic family. I’m a US Navy veteran and an environmental health specialist with a degree in Science. I didn’t have any special psychic gifts growing up and even into most of my adulthood; so to put it mildly, I was very conventional and ordinary by most people’s standards.

You are a Galactic Historian, ET Contactee and an expert in the field of Akashik Records. What catalyzed your spiritual journey and soul aligned business? How did it all start?

In June and also in December 2012, I had a couple of very intense out-of-body experiences where I found myself in the interior of a huge extraterrestrial starship. At the time it happened, I was going through a transitional period in my life where there were a lot of changes happening personally with me and collectively within this country. During that time, there were a lot of upheavals going on in our planet too.

What I experienced, however, was no dream. During both visits, I not only met, interacted, and communicated with higher dimensional extraterrestrial beings such as the Arcturians and Pleiadians onboard the starship, but was also immediately exposed to higher dimensional energies well beyond those within our 3rd dimensional experience. It seemed that I communicated with the Arcturian beings and other ETs onboard the ship for a very long time, asking them a lot of questions about the state of planet Earth and our

The thing that stood out to me the most during this experience, other than hanging out with really cool extraterrestrial beings, was that everything onboard the starship seemed much brighter, sharper, and had much more clarity than reality as we know it in 3D. I was truly in some alternative reality, which I called a “hyper reality”. It was in many ways the most REAL THING that has ever happened to me.

To say that my life had changed after having these experiences is an understatement. Somehow after being on the starship and being around my “star brothers and sisters” (as I like to call them), everything about me became different. I entered the ship as an ordinary Earth human, but left the ship as a newly awakened starseed and galactic citizen. My identity as I knew myself before had completely shifted and I was no longer the same person I was before.

Almost overnight, I seemed to have gained an expanded view of our place in the Universe as Earth humans. I was getting constant “downloads” of information that I know I didn’t learn in the schools I went to here on Earth. I was remembering and channeling ancient galactic historical events and universal law and concepts, and even having past life regressions about some of my off-world lives.

I did find that after my experiences onboard the ship, my “extrasensory perception”, if you want to call it that, increased a hundred-fold to where it was before. I spent several years after my ET contact experience taking a multitude of spiritual classes and trainings, mostly because I was trying to understand what was happening to me, going through such a huge consciousness shift.

After my experiences, I also became a higher level energy and information conduit and interpreter. I was noticing this ability while going through random experiences with interdimensional traveling. For instance, I would be driving someplace and find myself passing through multiple dimensions. The trees and landscape around me would change into more intense colors and I could see the energy and auras around them vibrate too. I was also starting to see UFOs often as well, at night and even during the daytime.

Most of all, I’ve found myself randomly picking up on people’s past lives and star origins.These kind of events were happening with me so much, it I was having these downloads so often, I was encouraged to take an Akashic Records reading course locally here in Castle Rock, Colorado in 2014, which has led me to discovering more about my ancestral connection to the Akashic Records and fine-tuning my abilities to access them. Since then, I’ve spent the past 12 years as a professional Galactic Akashic Records Guide with an ever-growing and thriving spiritual practice with clients around the world.

Around the same time I was learning to access the Akashic Records, I was also invited to speak about my ET contact experience at local meetups and events throughout the Front Range area of Colorado. I conducted several presentations about galactic history and star races in various venues in the Denver and Boulder areas, and eventually was asked to be interviewed on the Beyond Belief show on Gaia TV in 2019. The rest, as they say, is HERstory. ;-)

Your services are sought after by many renowned clients. What services are you currently offering to the world?

My Galactic Akashic reading practice became SO popular throughout the past few years, I literally had thousands of people waiting on my reading waiting lists! I really enjoyed conducting readings for the thousands of amazing clients I’ve had around the world, and I honestly loved the connections I had with each and every one of them. However, it got to the point where I felt that the one-on-one readings were keeping me from my HIGHER mission, which is to bring this galactic information to the mass consciousness of this planet, so in October 2023, I made a very difficult decision to quit doing the personal readings permanently and focus my energy on becoming more of a public persona.

This year, my team and I starting focusing on getting more galactic history information online via social media and also through offering informational trainings and webinars. One of our biggest and most popular training is an 8-week-long completely immersive Galactic Akashic Records Reading Course, which we’re currently registering for right now for the April-May 2024 track. My goal right now is to help people develop these intuitive skills for themselves, not only to get information to enrich their own lives, but also to be more of service to others. We will be developing an advanced Akashic reading course this summer as well as continuing on our quarterly Starseed enrichment webinar offerings this year.

I also started (as of last year) to take this information more publicly through various conferences and events, as well as going on a multitude of podcasts and interviews. I’ve not only been on Gaia TV a few times, but I’ve also presented at the LA Conscious Life Expo, the Sedona Ascension Retreat, Portal to Ascension, Star Codes’ Arcturian Conference, NY New Life Expo, and other venues such as Coast to Coast AM with George Noory and shows with Regina Meredith and Reuben Langdon. You’ll also see me at DisclosureFest in the LA, CA area this summer, as well as events in Sedona, AZ and the east coast.

We are sure your clients must have hugely benefited from your services. Would you like to share your client’s success stories with our readers?

Wow, there are so many stories to share, I don’t even know where to begin! One of the most heart-warming ones involved a dear client in the UK who (a few years ago) was losing her eyesight due to rapidly-advancing macular degeneration. She couldn’t see much anymore and could no longer do the things she really loved to do, which was walking her dog and taking nature photos. Her doctor at the time was telling her that there wasn’t much they could do for her. I felt so bad for her, I offered to conduct an Akashic Clearing session for her at no cost. I didn’t have high hopes that her condition would improve, but I figured that doing the Clearing for her couldn’t hurt. So we did the Clearing online via Zoom and it went well enough. Well, exactly two weeks after we did her Clearing session, her eye doctor in the UK contacted her and told her that they have a new experimental surgery available that they felt that she was an excellent candidate for. She did the surgery and it was such a big success, she regained most of her eyesight and could go back to doing the things she loved, walking her dog and being in nature. She and I both felt that the Clearing session we did together helped to facilitate the new channels of healing that brought about her new surgery opportunity.

I also had another client in Ireland whose biggest dream was to live in Portugal, but her fears around money (or lack of it) were keeping her from moving there and having the expat life of her dreams. She was struggling with these fears for many, many years. We did an Akashic Reading and an Akashic Clearing sessions, which helped her to understand and resolve her fears around lack and struggle. A month after we did the sessions, she packed up all of her belongings and left Ireland to move to the beautiful coastal town of Porto, Portugal. She’s still dealing with a few of her fears here and there, but she’s now living her dream life and having a great time in her new country.

In addition to these stories , I’ve had many clients who have quit their “day jobs” and have embarked on their own successful spiritual practices. I’ve had the good fortune to encounter a few of my Galactic Akashic students at the Sedona Ascension Retreat conference last month, which really warms my heart. I felt like a proud Mama Bear seeing my “cubs” do so well with the information they’ve learned from my courses and trainings!

We have already moved into the Spring of 2024! We would love to know your thoughts regarding your business expansion this year. Enlighten us with your vision.

As I’ve mentioned briefly before, we are currently working on an advanced Akashic training course this summer to be offered this fall 2024, with a focus on clearing and healing within the Galactic Akashic Records. We also have plans to offer more starseed enrichment trainings to help starseeds and lightworkers with everyday challenges, such as finding a romantic partner, aligning with their life purpose, or connecting with their star families and lineages.

I’m also working on writing a resource book on Galactic History and starseed traits with the help of two epidemiologists in NY who are conducting epidemiological studies on my client readings. Our goal with this study is to glean some trends and tendencies with certain star origin lineages within starseeds to help empower them to overcome their ancestral challenges and align themselves with their highest potential.

I will continue speaking at the various starseed and ET/UFO conferences and events, and offer more workshops at smaller-scale spiritual retreats and cruises. I would love to co-create a show on Gaia TV or a similar venue (History Channel? Netflix? Discovery Channel?) on Galactic History and our star lineages, and how it’s impacting our lives here on Earth now. Hey, I know getting my own show on TV is a REALLY tall order but you just never know, right??? ANYTHING is possible these days.

What advice would you give to someone looking forward to establishing their business in the niche around galactic history, starseed origins and healing?

I believe that one going into this type of genre must have a really special calling to do this kind of work, as it can be all-consuming and take one down many pathways of development. It’s taken me many years to get to the level of success I now have, with a variety of setbacks and disappointments along the way, but I’ve never lost hope that my work will one day have a big impact on others.

If someone out there is desiring to have an Akashic Reading practice and/or delve into the world of Galactic history and Starseed origins, these are the steps I would recommend that they take:

  1. Chose your spiritual name and brand — what are your special gifts? And what sets you apart from the many other spiritual practitioner out there
  2. Create a niche — who do you want to serve in your practice? How can your gifts help them? How can you build your clientele and following.
  3. Connect with your vision of success — it is important that you have a clear understanding of what you wish to bring to others and what success you wish to receive. To do this you should have a clear vision of what success means to you.
  4. Show up every day — it’s nice to visualize what you want, but it’s also important to have the discipline and drive to meet your goals, both the daily and long-term ones
  5. Connect with your community — you can’t be an island and expect to be of service to others. Go to the conferences, the workshops, trainings, spiritual retreats and spiritual meetups to network with others and bring your gifts to a greater audience.
  6. Embrace failure — You will make mistakes. Not everyone will resonate with your message. It won’t always feel good, but that doesn’t have to stop you from finding the thing that lights you up. Lean into your failures and try to find the lesson in them.
  7. Be willing to evolve — You may find that over time your vision for your business no longer aligns with who you are. It is perfectly ok to shift courses and change your business as you build it. I’ve done this recently with my shift from one-on-one work to becoming a public figure. A lot of people out there were very upset that I was no longer doing the personal readings, but I’ve had to follow my higher calling. It’s okay to make changes within your practice and reinvent yourself.

Where can our readers find your work? How can they connect with you?

The best way to connect with me and my work is on my website.

People can also find me on Facebook and Instagram, as well as YouTube. I’ve also done quite a few interviews and shows on Gaia TV, so if you have a subscription to their network, you can find me there as well.

It’s my hope with this article that my story will inspire many of you here to connect with your Higher Selves and higher guides, your star origins, your soul mission, and true reality.

