Integrative Health Practitioner Fatima Pagtakhan On Mentoring People Through Kind Heart Lifestyle

Surabhi Verma
The Creative Inc.
Published in
4 min readMay 23, 2024
Renee Fox Photography

Our readers love reading stories of powerful women creating a conscious change on the planet. Please tell us about yourself and the incredible work you do.

I’m Fatima Pagtakhan. I’m a homeschooling, homesteading mama of four wild littles. I’m a low-tox lifestyle mentor, Integrative Health, and Mineral Balancing Practitioner. I help women lower their toxic load in a fun and simple way. I also help them regain energy, and eliminate brain fog and anxiety so they can live more productive and fulfilled lives.

Renee Fox Photography

What was the initial idea behind setting up your brand — Kind Heart Lifestyle? What catalyzed your journey in the niche of health coaching? How did it start?

I decided to call my business Kind Heart Lifestyle to convey that I lead with kindness. People who suffer usually forget to be kind to themselves and give themselves grace. So I am here to remind them to take it easy on themselves.

Back in 2010, I was tired of taking medications for depression and anxiety. I was on Zoloft, Ativan, Xanax, and Restoril but they only made me feel numb and I still wasn’t sleeping great. I decided that I was done feeling the way I was feeling and took matters into my own hands. I started researching and came upon a book called No More Dirty Looks. It opened my eyes to the very corrupt and dirty beauty industry. It made me wonder if the toxic products were causing hormonal imbalances in my body, so I threw them all away and started eating better. I was able to get off the medications on my own and started feeling better and happier.

Renee Fox Photography

Your services are sought after by many renowned clients. What products and services are you currently offering to the world?

I currently offer my signature program called Nourished and Balanced. It’s a 4-month, all-inclusive program to help my clients create strong health foundations, rebalance their minerals, and detox the heavy metals in a safe and gentle manner. I also offer product evaluations and recommendations + lifestyle makeovers.

We are sure your clients must have hugely benefited from your services. Would you like to share your client’s success stories with our readers?

My clients are now experiencing pain-free periods, better stress resilience, better sleep, a better outlook on life, and more energy. They are getting their libidos back, losing weight effortlessly, feeling more connected with their loved ones, and have glowing skin. These are just some of the amazing results you get when your minerals are balanced and your toxic load is reduced.

We are almost in the middle of 2024! We would love to know your thoughts regarding your business expansion this year. Enlighten us with your vision.

I would eventually like to offer digital courses for those who want to diy their health, that way I can help more people. My vision for the future is that more and more people are taking charge of their health.

Renee Fox Photography

What advice would you give someone looking forward to healing themselves from the inside out?

My advice would be: be patient because you didn’t get here overnight, so you can’t expect to heal overnight…give yourself grace…and stop obsessing about your symptoms/diagnosis, instead be obsessed with wellness knowing that your body is on it’s way to healing itself. Your mind will be your biggest enemy when it comes to healing.

Where can our readers find your work? How can they connect with you?

They can find me “edutaining” on Instagram @fatimapagtakhan. I also have a free Facebook group where I share all about low-tox living and holistic healing. They can also check out my website

