Kaitlin Stephens Shares Her Story From Mental Health Struggles To Clinical Counselor

Pratiksha Kumar
The Creative Inc.
Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2021

Our audience loves to read stories of incredible women creating a remarkable change in the world. Please tell us about yourself and therefore the work you are doing.

I was born and raised in Whitehorse, Yukon. From a very young age, I was labeled as “too sensitive” making it difficult to acknowledge how I was feeling. During high school, I struggled with body image issues and depression. I didn’t know what to do with my “feelings” and I turned to self-sabotaging behaviors. This was a blessing in disguise because it forced me to get the necessary help and connect with an incredible counselor who completely changed my life. I always knew I wanted to help people in some capacity and going through therapy allowed me to see that this was what I wanted to do with my life.

I am a registered clinical counselor who offers therapy and coaching for individuals, adolescents, & couples. I split my time between Whitehorse and Vancouver. I have clients all over North America. What I focus on with my clients is getting them back on the same team as their mind and body, building a foundation that allows them to step into their power.

What coaching do you provide to your clients?

What I do for my clients is I hold the space and assist with sorting things out that need to be explored more. I provide simple, step-by-step processes that can be applied and used which allow clients to make the necessary changes. I offer video or phone sessions.

How do you schedule to build trust with the clients/patients?

When I work with my clients they can “just be.” There is no need to put on a mask which allows them to just show up as they are. I believe that clients trust me because I really see them and really hear what they are saying.

What do you consider the major causes of mental health issues nowadays, especially when we speak about mental health?

That is a big question and there are so many layers to mental health issues. I don’t think there is one major cause. There are many different factors and components when it comes to an individual’s mental health, each being unique to the person, and naming one major cause doesn’t allow you to be curious about other elements.

Due to the covid situation, a lot of people have had mental health problems. What could be the best possible reason for it?

Each individual is experiencing this situation differently. Our basic physiological and safety needs aren’t being met. Adding isolation to the mix and not having our “outlets” make it extremely difficult to take care of our mental health.

Where can our readers get connected with you?

My website is www.kaitlinstephens.com, I offer a free 15-minute call for those individuals wanting to explore if it is a good fit. Please email me at kaitlincounselling@gmail.com

