Laura Anderson On Success of Personal Brand 10hr $10k Work Month & Building A Huge Community of Anti-workaholics

Surabhi Verma
The Creative Inc.
Published in
7 min readMar 27, 2024

Our readers love reading stories of powerful women creating a conscious change on the planet. Please tell us about yourself and the incredible work you do.

Thanks so much for asking! I am the founder of the 10hr $10k work month, host of the 7-day weekend podcast, and I’ve built an insane community of Antiworkaholics, helping people find alternatives to going to college, and the dreaded 9 to 5 work lifestyle.

As a college dropout myself (I literally only lasted half a semester), I didn’t want to be some cliché failure scenario working odd jobs for the rest of my life. It quickly became apparent to me that you can learn pretty much anything you want online. Not only that, but you could do it a lot faster and a lot cheaper than going to school. I hated school, but I love learning- school is just not the format in which I thrive.

So I set out on ways to make money without having to go to a miserable 9 to 5. I learned computer science, and coding, which then led to learning other skills like Media Buying and Email Marketing. Once It became obvious that almost every company/brand on the face of the Earth uses Media Buying and Email Marketing, I realized there was no shortage of potential work. I started this journey over 10 years ago, it wasn’t easy and I did have to take some shitty jobs in between to keep it afloat. But for the past 5 years now I’ve been hitting 5 figure and 6 figure months.

I knew I couldn’t be the only one who craved some sort of alternative to college and corporate life, so I started to share my journey on social media, turns out I was right. I’ve now built a community of hundreds of thousands of others who also know there’s more to life than working 8 hours a day and living paycheck to paycheck.

Once my business started to take off I needed to delegate some work, and that’s when I had my ah-ha moment. Outsourcing the work enabled me to take on more clients, bring in more money, and work even less. Thus the Antiworkaholic movement was born!

What was the initial idea behind setting up your brand The 10hr $10k Work Month? How did it all start?

Once I started to share my journey I realized how many others wanted the same for themselves. I mean who wouldn’t want to work minimal hours and make good money without having to waste time and money getting a degree? That’s why I started the 10hr $10k Work Month and ushered in a new wave of Antiworkaholics. For me, when I hit my first $10k month a couple of years ago by really only working 10 hours a month, that was the first time I felt like… wow ok this is something and I’ve officially made it! I’ve grown tremendously since then but it was so baffling to me that I hadn’t really seen anyone else talking about this.

Trades have always been an alternative to college, but now that we’re in the digital age, we have digital trades, things like SEO, graphic design, social media management, copywriting, google ads, etc. And these digital trades can be done from anywhere for anyone and can be learned completely online, allowing endless possibilities. So I wanted to bring back the idea of trades being a great route especially now in the digital age! That’s when I created the 10hr $10k Work Month Training, the demand was there and I needed to give others the successful blueprint that I created. In the training, you become certified in Media buying for Meta ads and TikTok ads (Media buying is the management and optimization of company ads on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok Tok, etc.), as well as certified in Email Marketing. You then learn how to position yourself as an expert to attract high-paying clients. The training has a heavy focus on how to actually book the clients, which is always the hard part along with every resource you need to make it happen so think cover letter templates, proposal templates, pricing packages, etc. It’s an entire successful business plan wrapped up and delivered to students on a silver platter. It also teaches you how to outsource all of the work so the sky is the limit on your income! As well as how to automate and streamline with AI, because as Antiworkaholics we are all about working smarter, not harder!

Your services are sought after by many renowned clients. What services are you currently offering to the world?

Yes, I have big household name brands as clients. I manage millions annually for my clients in the ad space. And when you manage that kind of money and bring your client double, triple, or even quadruple that in return, you get compensated VERY well! Currently, I offer Media buying for Meta ads, TikTok ads, and Email Marketing. These are the skills I have fine-tuned over the years and have learned that they are the ones that are the most in demand and the highest paid, so it’s a no-brainer to offer them.

This is why I also teach them in my 10hr $10k work month training! There has been such a massive shift in the workplace, so many huge companies are laying off employees and paying contract workers to do the job instead. Since this shift my business has boomed and it’s never been more in demand to learn these skills.

We are sure your students must have hugely benefited from your teaching. Would you like to share your student’s success stories with our readers?

My students’ success stories are literally why I do what I do. Outside of my family, nothing fulfills me more than helping others escape the control of a traditional job, generate a better income for themselves, and finally have the freedom and work-life balance they deserve. I have so many successful students and waking up every morning with a new message from a student who has quit their job, or got their first $5k client, or hit their first $10k month, brings me so much joy and so much validation that we are moving in the right direction. I have one recent student who told me she made $80k in her first 4 months after taking the training! That is just absolutely insane to me! She said she booked her first client within 2 weeks and has hit the ground running since. 6 months in she said she quit her job and she’s on track to have a multi 6 figure year! It’s insane and I’m so stoked for her!

We would love to know your thoughts regarding your business expansion this year. Enlighten us with your vision.

2024 has already been such a tremendous year for me and I’ve already hit new milestones, which just takes my drive that much further. Moving forward I want to continue to help others and take the Antiworkaholic movement to new levels. I want to start in-person workshops, do more speaking events, and really just immerse myself more into it. Maybe a book too? Haha, who knows? This really only started a little over a year ago so the possibilities here are endless!

What advice would you give someone looking forward to adopting and implementing the 10 hour $10k work month approach in their life and business?

First and foremost nothing great in life comes easy. I have some wild student success stories but that doesn’t mean that hard work and consistency weren’t implemented. At the end of the day you have to put in the work and ultimately it’s up to you to make it happen. And to adopt a nature of consistency, nothing pays off better than consistency. You don’t even necessarily have to be really great at something to be successful, you just have to be consistent.

Where can our readers find your work? How can they connect with you?

I’m everywhere baby! You can check me out on TikTok, Instagram, X, my podcast, and my website. You can check out all the links along with a free masterclass on how to get started!

Free Masterclass on how to get started

Enroll in the 10hr 10k Work Month Training

Follow me on social — Tiktok, Instagram, Twitter

