Lindsay Etemadipour On Self-healing Autoimmune Conditions Through Herbalism & Success of Wellness Brand ‘Symbi’

Surabhi Verma
The Creative Inc.
Published in
6 min readMar 27, 2024

Our readers love reading stories of powerful women creating a conscious change on the planet. Please tell us about yourself and the incredible work you do.

Hello! I’m Lindsay, the herbalist behind Symbi, and I have over 10 years of experience in the wellness industry.

Having grappled with an array of autoimmune diseases and chronic conditions spanning over two decades, I had countless doctor visits, hospital stints, and a range of prescriptions and medications that did not give me the relief or healing I so desperately needed.

This experience propelled me to diligently pursue alternative modalities and discover the power of herbalism. Taking my health into my own hands, I studied the benefits of herbs as a form of healing and began to create blends that benefit the mind, body, and spirit. In 2021, Symbi was born — a brand offering ancient tea remedies for modern ailments. It is 100% organic, with no fillers, sweeteners, or additives — just as nature intended.

Symbi retails a diverse selection of herbal tea blends, tinctures, and accessories, complemented by an extensive educational resource hub featuring insightful blog content. Symbi aims to empower consumers with a deeper understanding of the benefits of herbal remedies because herbal remedies are real remedies.

What was the initial idea behind setting up your brand — Drink Symbi? What catalyzed your journey in the niche of naturopathic health and herbal medicine? How did it start?

I’ll be straightforward: I had no intention of starting Symbi when I started sharing herbal tea blend recipes online. At the time, I ran my own page (@wellnesswithlinds) for fun while running a content studio. When I started sharing more about herbs online, I realized there was a huge gap in the market. Now, the market has become busier, but no one was retailing loose-leaf herbal teas at the time. I had one video that got around 10 million views with thousands of comments, DMS, and emails requesting that I sell my tea blends. Thus, Symbi was born.

As for what led me to herbalism itself, it all started when I was in middle school, and my dad was diagnosed with an aggressive liver disease. He was not given much help from doctors and eventually turned to herbalism. He found so much healing in herbs, and as someone who grew up with multiple autoimmune conditions, I thought I should try it. So, after 10+ years of doctor appointments, hospital stints, and a ton of prescriptions, I decided it was my turn to give herbalism a try. I dove in head first, and after only applying it for six months, I swore I’d dedicate my life to sharing what I’ve learned with others. Which leads us to today!

Your services are sought after by many renowned clients. What products and services are you currently offering to the world?

Right now, I do not offer consultations anymore. When I do something, I like to do it with my all, so when I launched Symbi, I shut down everything else. For now, you can find our herbal teas, tinctures, and accessories at Our Liver Support Tea is our best-selling product, with the Anti-inflammatory and Cycle Harmony coming in a close second. We’re focused on creating protocols around each tea this year, so you will soon see more of those on our website.

If you’re looking to engage with me personally, I’m incredibly active on Instagram.

We are sure your clients must have hugely benefited from your services. Would you like to share your client’s success stories with our readers?

Sure! I’d love to share some of our more recent reviews.

“I have Fibromyalgia and some liver issues. I love this tea. I can definitely tell a difference since I started drinking it. I got the Liver support and the anti-inflammatory tea. They are both wonderful. I will be buying more.”

- Holly M on our Liver Support Tea.

“I drink Tummy tea daily. It helps take away any stomach bloating, and discomfort and say bye-bye to Gerd, acid reflux, and antacids. I have been drinking this tea for a long while now and my husband both said bye-bye to all those prescription acid reflux medications which are not good for you. So thankful to find an organic non-harmful tea to drink that is better for you and tastes great hot or cold.”

- Stephanie J. on our Tummy Tea.

“This makes such a difference on my body and joints in the winter months! And it tastes delicious! A must for inflammation!”

- Hollie H. on our Anti-inflammatory Tea.

“I have been following Lindsay since before she started Drink Symbi. She’s brilliant and truly cares about helping people in their health journey. I love every product and I have experienced true improvements from all of the teas and tinctures I’ve tried. You can trust these products. They’re quality and the blends are heavily researched and tested. I am a customer for life! Thank you, Lindsay, and all of those who make Drink Symbi so great!”

- Heather Y. on our Liver Duo.

“Cycle harmony has made a huge difference in the symptoms of my menstruation in just the first cycle. I started by drinking it every day the week before my anticipated period, during my period, and a few days after. I haven’t been on birth control for 4 years, after being on it for 5 years straight. My acne has been bad ever since stopping BC, my periods are heavier, and the cramps are worse. But after using cycle harmony, I wasn’t “as” grouchy before my period, my acne didn’t flare up as bad as it normally does, and I didn’t have any cramps! Also, I wasn’t as bloated during this period, but I drink Symbi’s leaky gut tea too which helps!”

- Madisyn U. on Cycle Harmony Tea.

We have already moved into the Spring of 2024! We would love to know your thoughts regarding your business expansion this year. Enlighten us with your vision.

2024 has already been such a fantastic year of growth for us. We have two exciting tinctures coming in April, our first encapsulated product in May, and many more to follow. If you stick around until the fall, you’ll get to watch our biggest and most anticipated launch yet. The goal is to provide customers with more comprehensive healing modalities that can truly help them find healing from the inside out. You can follow along on socials for updates!

What advice would you give someone looking forward to healing themselves from the inside out?

One of the best things I ever did for my health was investing in functional testing. I had spent all of my adolescent years trying to get to the root cause of my symptoms only to find so much information and then heal from functional testing.

If you’re in a spot where you cannot do functional testing, I always suggest starting with daily, free habits that can truly make a difference. Getting in the morning sunlight, spending more time in nature, increasing the amount of protein you’re consuming, stretching before bed, adding electrolytes to your water, etc.

Where can our readers find your work? How can they connect with you?

You can find me at @wellnesswithlinds across social media, but I spend the most time on Instagram stories. It’s a great place if you want to get daily health tips, easy recipes, and of course, kitchen herbalism. You can find my brand Symbi at @drinksymbi on social media as well.

