Psychic Medium Sarah Marshall Discusses Personal Brand Priestess + Her Moon & Global Healing Through Mediumship And Tarot

Surabhi Verma
The Creative Inc.
Published in
9 min readJun 10, 2024

Our readers love reading stories of powerful women creating a conscious change on the planet. Please tell us about yourself and the incredible work you do.

I’m Sarah Marshall, and I’m an Australian psychic medium.

I have a unique gift of connecting with loved ones after they have crossed over. I can connect to see, hear, and feel loved ones and pass on validation, guidance, and healing messages. I am also a Certified Tarot Reader & Astrologer, so I use a combination of tools to help empower my clients on their journey of self-discovery and healing.

I worked corporately for over a decade; throughout this time, I utilized my evenings and weekends to enhance my mediumship skills and become the best possible Medium I could be. Creating the brand Priestess + Her Moon was an incredible step in my healing journey and helped me step out into the world to share my lifetime of knowledge and experience with all things spiritual. The name came to me one afternoon when I had asked the Universe to guide me in naming my business; that was authentically me. Priestess means a woman with space to nurture spiritual growth and healing in others. The moon, for me, represents endings and beginnings, a time to embrace the unknown and feel the magic from within.

What was the initial idea behind setting up your brand — Priestess And Her Moon? What catalyzed your journey as a psychic medium? How did it start?

For as long as I can remember, I have always been able to communicate with the spirit world. My grandmothers were very spiritual and intuitive, so they never shut down my interest in spiritual things. Some may say they were a bit “woo-woo” for their time. Growing up with them was great because they would tell stories of their own experiences and would listen and embrace my own experiences of Spirit.

I haven’t always been “on” with my connection to Spirit; as I got older, my interactions with Spirit seemed non-existent. This was until I lost both of my beloved grandmothers within six months of each other when I was 20 years old. Before the both of them passed, they said to me that they would let me know somehow that they were okay.

Shortly after their passing, and like all people who lose a loved one, I was strangled with grief and the loss of someone I truly loved. I’d made it 20 years without losing someone I loved, and I was now faced with the fact that I lost two of my most adored people so close together. It felt cruel, and I didn’t think I’d get through.

The night before my grandmother’s funeral, I cried so much that I’d fallen asleep, and I started to dream. In my dream, my grandmother came swirling in. She was surrounded by the most beautiful pink and orange colors. She was dancing and smiling, and her face appeared as if I were looking at a picture of her. She hugged me and spun me around. She told me, “Please stop crying; I’m okay; please let everyone know I’m okay; I’m not in pain anymore.” I couldn’t believe the overwhelming feeling of peace and infinite love I felt during this. There she was, happy, vibrant, and the most important part, she was healthy. I woke up, and my heart didn’t have deep pain; it was filled with love and warmth. This wasn’t just any dream, it was a visit from her Spirit, she was letting me know that she was okay. This proved that death is an illusion and that love never dies.

My grandmothers would say to me, “Sarah, there’s something special about you. You’re a natural healer; you’re going to heal people”. So, I wasn’t surprised that my journey to find a deeper understanding of grief and loss and the afterlife began after both of them passed away. I know they helped me find my life purpose — being a medium.

From this moment, I embarked on a journey of developing and finessing my mediumship skills to heal my own grief and help others heal theirs. Every single person on this planet will share the same familiar experience, the loss of a loved one. Often, for people, it’s sudden and without any warning; most of the time, it’s life-altering. As a psychic medium, I want to remind you that although you cannot feel them physically, you can still communicate with them and feel their presence.

Your services are sought after by many renowned clients. What products and services are you currently offering to the world?

I’ve had one-on-one mentorships with some of the world’s most renowned mediums. It’s essential to me to continuously learn and develop further skills to ensure my clients receive a world-class standard in reading.

My currently available services are one-on-one readings for psychic mediumship or general tarot readings. These readings are conducted via Zoom, so anyone can book an appointment with me. During appointments with me, I get information from spirit regarding peoples full names who have passed and those that are connected with them that are still living, birthdays, when they passed and other specific details that only the client and spirit would know about.

My Australian clients can book to see me in person, an hour’s drive from Melbourne, Australia. People often wonder how you can connect with Spirit via Zoom. However, it’s the exact same as if someone was sitting right in front of me. When someone you know has passed away, they will do anything to speak with you again, so if we can talk, Spirit will come.

I also created a 2024 tarot and oracle journal titled “Finding your inner priestess.” Whether you’ve just started on your journey of connecting with your intuition or you’ve been a long-time lover of all things magic, Simple yet informative to help guide you back to your inner Priestess and magic. There are simple manifesting guides connected to the moon cycles and things each day to get your intuition flowing back and help you ground your energy each day. Each page has been carefully curated and handmade with love and magic to share the love of everything spiritual. This is a beautiful and straightforward guide that will help you each day. There will be a 2025 journal coming as well, so keep your eyes peeled.

We are sure your clients must have hugely benefited from your services. Would you like to share your client’s success stories with our readers?

I’m fortunate with my clients and often get people who have never had a reading before. I think it’s because I set the bar high for other readings that they may have in the future. I want people to sit down and feel like they’re having a one-on-one conversation with their loved ones again. My clients must leave a session with me feeling connected and loved and not feeling confused about what happened during the reading. At the end of the day, I am the Medium, so each reading is a profoundly personal experience for each one of my clients. It’s how those messages are received by the client and the meaning and value they place on them, so how much healing, guidance, and reassurance is a really personal experience for each client.

Some of the most amazing things have come from my client readings, and many have had extreme breakthroughs. Some snippets of feedback from clients are:

Sarah your reading of me was absolutely life changing. Giving me the opportunity to connect with someone close to me that’s passed was a gift I could never thank you enough for. So many things that you said connected with past events, itwas definitely my loved one letting me know what I needed to hear. You even spoke about a special event that would happen on Christmas Day — no joke the exact scenario you described happened. It was such a special moment! Thank you for all your heart and energy that was put into my reading, I can’t wait for the next.

Sarah is amazing! This was my very first reading, and it was everything I hoped for! I felt so comfortable, and the reading I received completely blew my mind. Sarah knew very personal and specific details about me and my life, which amazed me. Her abilities are incredible, and she has such a beautiful presence. Even over Zoom, I felt so well looked after. I was looking for hope and inspiration, and she gave me so much more than that. Sarah helped me put many pieces together and lifted such a huge weight off me. I would recommend her to anyone who is open and willing to listen and learn.

This feedback is essential for me and my journey, but it’s a reminder that I have a more significant impact on people as a medium. I love it when my clients reach out to me to say, “Wow, you’re spot on,” or “You’ll never believe this, but you said that this would happen, and it’s happened.” I also help people recognize their superpowers within themselves, allowing them to reconnect with their intuition and mentor others to connect deep within. Everyone has this superpower; it’s just that some forget until they feel a push from the Universe to open it up.

We have already moved into June of 2024! We would love to know your thoughts regarding your business expansion this year. Enlighten us with your vision.

It’s hard to believe that half the year has gone, the first half has been jam packed with extraordinary things that I’ve achieved with my business. From a week-long intensive course working with four of the best mediums in the world to now, just finishing a trip from Australia to the United Kingdom where I was doing readings for many clients there.

The second half of the year will entail further developing my business and expanding the number of clients I take on within Australia and internationally. I’m also creating a 2025 tarot journal, allowing you to tap into your intuition daily. These are just some things to name right now; there’s so much happening. There is so much to look forward to for the rest of 2024; I’m incredibly excited to see where everything lands.

What advice would you give someone looking forward to healing themselves from the inside out?

My advice to give someone looking forward to healing themselves from the inside out is that no matter how dark the world around you gets, remember the fire and love you hold within yourself. During these moments, you find the ability to get back up despite the setbacks and keep looking towards the horizon with hope and possibility in your heart. You are the Universe; you hold the key to unlocking a new beginning daily. You are an incredibly magic being. Don’t fight the darkness; sit with it. Sometimes the darkness creates an illusion that you think you won’t be able to make it through, however you can unlock it and step through with a deeper appreciation for yourself.

Where can our readers find your work? How can they connect with you?

Readers can find me on Instagram @sarahmarshallmedium, where I post weekly intuitive guidance for each zodiac sign and astrological placement. If social media isn’t your thing, you can keep up to date via my website, If you’re looking for an appointment with me, my appointments fill up extremely fast. I have a waitlist; however, if you need a reading, email People can also join my mailing list to be the first to hear of exclusive events, appointment releases, and general things.

