Surabhi Verma
The Creative Inc.
Published in
12 min readJun 13, 2024

Our readers love reading stories of powerful women creating a conscious change on the planet. Please tell us about yourself and the incredible work you do.

Let me not have a stereotypical answer of attaching my professional value to self-value because the two of them are entirely different. They complement but don’t replace each other. Hence, I am a soul with a physical existence who has come to Earth to fulfill a specific purpose and evolve spiritually. I place great importance on growing spiritually, which eventually helps me grow my coaching work.

My coaching work and business are living, breathing entities of their own. I have been chosen as a medium to share them with the world. I am happy to say that my work as a life coach and inner childhood trauma healer is about creating the conscious change in the world that so many desperately need but are unaware of.

As a life coach and inner childhood trauma healing coach, I work on the ‘IRP’ method to transform clients:

1 — Identify the mind & emotional blocks

2 — Repair the past by healing

3 — Prepare for the future by conscious creation

I see so many people struggling with their lives. Life is tough and not always a bed of roses. These people have a strong desire to make their lives uncomplicated, and “think positive” doesn’t help them! That’s exactly where I help people. I help them make their life and communication uncomplicated.

Let me simplify what my work revolves around.

1 — Do you get emotionally disturbed due to a problematic situation at home or work?

2 — Do you lose your peace of mind and productivity?

3 — Do you feel helpless and powerless about what’s happening in your life?

4 — Do you feel disturbed and unable to make decisions in daily life?

In that case, I help YOU to 5x your resilience and

1 — Gain emotional strength to not be severely impacted by negativity around you.

2 — Gain peace of mind to make confident decisions in life.

3 — Gain the courage to deal with the challenges that life throws at you.

4 — Save immense time and do not waste it by going around in a vicious cycle of negativity.

5 — Empower your communication skills and overall personality through image makeover.

As a bonus, I provide the tools for a complete transformation.

It is important to note that “Communication Skills” are enhanced 10X times better along with Mindset Enhancement.

Our planet is vibrating at lower frequencies, whether anger, fear, resentment, jealousy, worry, or anxiety. This needs to change. My work brings THIS conscious change, the need of the hour.

With every coaching conversation with my clients:

1 — They learn to overcome confusion, fear, worry and anxiety

2 — They realize ways to Make their Life Uncomplicated (by realizing that by healing childhood/past traumas or negative beliefs developed over the years, their “struggles” in career, health, communication, confidence, and relationships will be reduced.)

3 — They learn to develop safety inside their body through inner childhood trauma healing somatic work

4 — They feel more confident & balanced from the inside

Over a span of 6 months or more, my clients witness a profound transformation in their Lives. They gain the tools to navigate their emotional landscape with greater ease, realizing their inherent power to heal. This journey is about them, and they are the ones in control of their own healing and growth.

What was the initial idea behind setting up your business? How did it all start?

3 reasons propelled me to set up my coaching business:

1 — Growing up, I always valued deep human interaction. I felt disconnected when I saw people interacting in a shallow space, running away from emotions and masking them in different ways. During my late 20s, I gained more awareness and understanding about making this possible through healing and coaching.

2 — I felt directionless and confused during my professional journey as a software engineer. I performed my work diligently, but the work was not satisfying to my soul. I could feel that my strength was in guiding others and human interaction, and just because I have completed my engineering degree doesn’t mean I should wait for years to follow my passion and life purpose.

Anxious, I sought answers for months and years. When my spiritual journey became intense and profound, I immediately had an answer that I wanted to do something more impactful that gave me joy and felt essential to me. This work felt aligned with my thoughts, feelings, and values. It felt like my own baby, and I deeply desired to nurture it. Bliss found me via my coaching work. My soul purpose was revealed to me via astrology, and I knew that I was on the right path.

3 — During the start of the covid time, I trained teenagers and mid-level and senior-level working professionals to enhance their communication & public speaking skills. For a year, the number of clients kept increasing, and I felt a rush of contentment. After that, when COVID was at its peak, I felt a massive surge of stuck energy inside me. I wanted to do a lot in my life, but something stopped me. I felt so helpless as to why I was unable to make decisions in life, why I was overthinking, and why I didn’t take action. I could see life was complicated back then.

Soon, a ray of hope appeared, and I discovered my fascination with personal growth. By working on my mindset, I attracted fascinating results. I had never felt so much lighter and peaceful. I fell in love with myself. I could speak to my soul, became friends with it, developed a strong connection with my BEING, and understood how to talk to fear, how to surrender, and make life uncomplicated. It was not a one-day discovery but a process.

That was a turning point in my life. I realized how powerful inner work is and how inner reality creates outer reality. I started experiencing my being fully. I felt so nourished. That’s when I pondered why these skills were not taught in school or while growing up!! I discovered that this work is not just for someone to go from a poor state to a good state of life but also for those in an excellent state to reach their best state. It is for everyone! By God’s grace, two soft skills coaches approached me to help them overcome confusion and fear in life, and after the coaching sessions, I realized that even possessing soft skills might not always bring sustainable growth in the lives and careers of people. The deep THOUGHT, EMOTIONAL, and BELIEF work are also needed to bring massive results. That was the beginning of receiving a signal from the Universe to take this work ahead.

Your services are sought after by many renowned clients. What services are you currently offering to the world?

Sure. The services I offer to my clients revolve around healing and coaching. I help women (aged 28–55), IT professionals, CEOs, Leaders, and, in fact, everyone who is willing to be helped. I have been fortunate enough to coach teenagers as young as 10, 13, and 17.

There are usually 3 categories of clients I work with:

— Category 1 includes those who struggle to move ahead and face “constant” confusion, fear, worry, low confidence, and lack of peace of mind.

— Category 2 includes those who struggle to move ahead in life and face “considerable” confusion, fear, worry, low confidence, and lack of peace of mind.

— Category 3 includes those who are content with where they are in life but understand the power of healing and coaching to go from good to better or from better to become the best version of themselves.

They can be helped with the services below:

1 — Inner Childhood Trauma Healing for experiencing freedom in life, such as:

  • healing the feeling of “I can’t do this” when a more significant change happens, such as while growing their business or getting married, because they grew up in an environment where they were criticized for failing and constantly compared to other kids.
  • Healing the “fear of being abandoned or left alone in life” because their parents were emotionally unavailable in childhood due to their own fights or baggage.
  • Healing the “fear of being cheated and inability to trust the world” because they got cheated in previous relationships and in life by friends, neighbors, strangers, etc.)

2 — Internal Confidence Building Coaching — Deep coaching experience of FIRST building COURAGE in all/chosen aspects of wheel of life and then building inner confidence.

3 — Mindset Coaching for career growth by removing mental and emotional blocks — Deep work on inner childhood trauma healing, improving self-image, self-esteem, self-concept, embracing somatic work for emotional processing, healing relationship with money, balancing masculine and feminine energy, finding passion and life purpose, and adopting THOUGHT work for building empowering beliefs.

4 — Communication Coaching — To elevate personality in and out by both internal and external transformation. Whether it is improving communication skills, interpersonal skills, conflict management skills, time management skills, or productivity at work, all of these are accompanied by healing and deep THOUGHT work of life coaching.

5 — Mindset Coaching to help people create work life harmony and enhance productivity.

6 — Mindset Coaching to help people discover the courage to pursue Passion and combine it with Life Purpose.

We are sure your clients must have hugely benefited from your services. Would you like to share your client’s success stories with our readers?

Yes, there have been numerous success stories, and I feel so happy to have witnessed them with the people who experienced those firsthand. This is God’s grace because after doing the work, the clients felt immensely relieved and healed and felt their power back.

1 — A businesswoman faced difficulty making important decisions in her life. She was married for 25 years. After 18 years of marriage, she started her boutique business and opened a showroom. She eventually shut it down because she wanted to do something more meaningful. As she embarked on an entrepreneurship journey in her new business, she faced confusion about making decisions. As we did inner childhood trauma healing for her, she went back in the past and realized her current struggle is because rarely anyone supported her in her emotional turmoil when she got married. It was not that the family didn’t love her; they did, but they just dismissed her feelings and didn’t take her concerns seriously. Maybe they were NOT aware! Since then, she became overly dependent on her husband for all significant life decisions including career and finances. As she healed herself in this inner child healing process, she found new courage in her to listen to her heart, make her own decisions, and not fear others. The best part — She also had been experiencing pain in her right leg for many years, and suddenly the pain VANISHED. I was in touch with her for the next 2 months, and the pain didn’t reoccur then. She experienced deep healing.

2 — A corporate professional had been facing toxicity at work, this left her feeling shattered and in pain. Upon coaching, we realized this was not the first time she had experienced such a work culture. It was also a part of her previous two organizations, and she didn’t know how to heal herself at that time, either. It was a long journey of breaking her old neural patterns and healing herself, building self-love, and courage. It was worth the time investment because she learned much about herself on the journey and discovered how to experience positivity despite the hostile environment.

3 — Someone wanted to develop Emotional Strength after a breakup. The journey of immense healing and growth took about 6–8 months, but eventually, the person found strength. That was really some deep work done.

4 — Three clients manifested a high-paying job after working on themselves. Apart from the technical skills, deep thought work, manifestation techniques, and trauma work helped them eliminate their limiting inhibitions and attract the desired job.

5 — A corporate professional worked with me to enhance the overall quality of her life and build more courage toward achieving her goals. While we didn’t directly work on her career progression, her inner work indirectly contributed to her attracting opportunities that finally got her a new job with a better hike, which she felt should have already happened 4–5 years ago. She was elated to see the growth in her career, which felt stagnant before. Her excitement and satisfaction after this milestone were just beyond words!! It’s intriguing to see that coaching and healing have indirect positive repercussions rather than just the direct results in one’s life.

6 — Someone had been through a separation. After doing my audio challenges designed for manifestation and taking just two of my coaching sessions, she told me that she had genuinely celebrated Diwali after 10 years just because she had started to feel cheerful after doing the inner work. It was really a heartfelt moment for me to see her smiling after gaining her confidence back.

7 — One fascinating project I worked on was helping a 45-year-old hotel management entrepreneur with external and internal transformation. This included sharpening her communication skills and changing her business and money reality through some deep thought work. Unlike other projects, this was facilitated in a physical setting and not an online setup.

8 — Some teenagers worked 1:1 with me to improve their emotional strength to overcome hurt at school, reduce anxiety from study pressure, and improve concentration power and focus in studies. Working with these young minds and seeing them and their parents so committed to working on the mindset was a sheer delight.

These are some of the stories of massive breakthroughs out of the many. It’s all God’s grace; I am only a medium and a channel. That’s it.

How can people who are doing well in life still benefit from the healing and coaching sessions?

Wow, that’s a brilliant question! I am glad we are speaking about it.

So healing and coaching is for everyone! Not only for those who are seemingly struggling.

Healing is an everyday journey. It is not a one time ritual. It is a cleansing process. It helps you to stay sane. In the noise of the world, you meet so many people who might drain your energy hence it is essential to protect yourself and become strong from within so that external negative influences don’t exhaust you. As you take bath everyday and brush your teeth daily, similarly your emotional and mental cleansing is needed even when you don’t feel the need to do that.

On the other hand, coaching helps you dive deep into your own thought process and have a wide view of what’s happening in your space so that you can feel equipped and confident to make decisions.

Coaching helps you avoid auto-pilot mode and make conscious choices that benefit you the most. Even if you have a good life, it helps you move towards a better life.

And wouldn’t you want that? Only when you work on yourself, you realize the difference between an ordinary and extraordinary life. Only then you realize the essence of coaching and healing!!

I strongly recommend parents to become self-aware and work on themselves so that they don’t pass on their traumas to their children and focus on conscious parenting. Unconscious parenting can do so much damage to the child! It is better to take preventive measures.

What advice would you give to someone looking forward to establishing their business in your niche?

My advice is to embark on this journey only if it ignites a fire within you, only if it brings you immense joy and a sense of purpose. Start this only if you have undergone your own transformation, and most importantly, start this only if your answer to the question is a resounding yes — “If you were not to earn money through this work, would you still choose it?”

Your clients’ transformation is directly proportional to the level of transformation you will experience in yourself and your deep understanding of the concepts in practical terms.

If you enter this field just because you don’t like your other profession and this feels like a growing field to earn a living, don’t go for it. Coaching and healing work need sincerity and a deep desire to uncover people’s pain and facilitate a journey filled with joy and abundance.

If you are generally impatient, don’t enjoy speaking to people, or don’t want to genuinely make people’s lives easier, this is not the field for you.

Rest, if you believe you can make a difference, your story can make a difference, and your energy can make a difference, go ahead.

Where can our readers find your work? How can they connect with you?

Thanks for asking. I have got the opportunity to work with many clients from LinkedIn, Instagram and through referral.

Below are my social media channels and platforms:




Telegram Channel

Exclusive VIP WhatsApp Group

